Daily Archives: Sep 19, 2024

Celebrating Munhumutapa Day…a crucial step towards reclaiming our identity

THE proclamation of September 15 as Munhumutapa Day marks a transformative moment not just in Zimbabwe but Africa’s political, cultural and socio-economic landscape.  For too long, Africa has been viewed predominantly through the lens of its colonial past, overshadowing the continent’s rich history of powerful civilisations, knowledge...

Munhumutapa’s enduring legacy

THE inaugural Munhumutapa Day commemorations in Masvingo, on Sunday 15 September 2024, are yet another testimony that the country’s enduring history is key in transforming the country’s economic development trajectory. The Munhumutapa Empire has a solid footprint in African history and has been key in...

Fortress Russia’: Some valuable lessons for Africa

By Professor Artwell Nhemachena THE decolonisation of Africa cannot be achieved through the teaching and...

 Goat farmers need paradigm shift

By Masimba Biriwasha GOAT farming has emerged as a vital agricultural practice, particularly in marginalised...

Bridging our past, present and future

MUNHUMUTAPA DAY is not just another addition to the calendar of national holidays; it...

Xenophobia:  Shame on the opposition

THE xenophobic attacks in South Africa against Zimbabweans on the eve of the 2008...

Starlink is a game-changer

EDITOR — It is quite refreshing and heart-warming to note that the high-speed internet...

Masvingo-Glen Norah Loop Road …a major milestone towards Vision 2030

WE, in the village, continue to be delighted with infrastructural development in the country. The...

Makumbe Hilltop College goes green…as solar power takes centre stage

By Fungai B. Mutizwa IN a world where energy crises have become a recurring problem...

Harare traffic nightmare set to end. . . as Masvingo-Glen Noarah Loop Road Opens

By Kundai Marunya CONGESTION on the roads leading to and from Harare’s CBD could soon...

Mbira Month: Celebrating our heritage

By Fidelis Manyange THE mbira, also known as thumb piano, is a uniquely African traditional...

Vehicle number plates: From import dependence to innovation

ON the grounds of the University of Zimbabwe, something revolutionary is happening.  In what was once a mining...

Corrupted Yeshua’s prayer a curse for our race

 By Nthungo YaAfrika THIS is Yeshua’s prayer according to the Tambous’ Bible: “Our Father in...

Digitisation key to achieving Vision 2030

By Vimbai Malinganiza DIGITAL technology advancement has proven to help enhance economic growth and development...

Latest articles

Celebrating Munhumutapa Day…a crucial step towards reclaiming our identity

THE proclamation of September 15 as Munhumutapa Day marks a transformative moment not just in...

Munhumutapa’s enduring legacy

THE inaugural Munhumutapa Day commemorations in Masvingo, on Sunday 15 September 2024, are yet...

Fortress Russia’: Some valuable lessons for Africa

By Professor Artwell Nhemachena THE decolonisation of Africa cannot be achieved through the teaching and...

 Goat farmers need paradigm shift

By Masimba Biriwasha GOAT farming has emerged as a vital agricultural practice, particularly in marginalised...
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