Forgiveness and acceptance is not impotence


IN the independence month we cannot help but note that there are some sections, some constituencies, that have not accepted the realities and demands of the liberation struggle.

We shall never tire of reminding these constituencies that blood was spilt and lives lost for Zimbabweans to be masters of their destiny.

We will not be moved by axes and spears being sharpened to destroy us.

Out there are people bent on derailing our progress.

We are a people led, listening not just to the voice of the people but the voice of the bones, the voice of our ancestors and the voice of all Zimbabweans who were never given the opportunity to speak about themselves and proudly celebrate being Zimbabweans.

A whole generation sacrificed its life for us to get this voice; we should never forget that or allow the voice to be stifled or silenced.

The Western media and their stooges have maligned these voices, sought to silence them and hear their voices instead — we will not fall into their trap.

When we reflect on the liberation struggle, when we recall those who went through it and those who never came back, our resolve hardens — Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo/Ilizwe liyakhwa ngabanikazi.

Our recollections harden our resolve to finish the mission that they failed to complete because they were stopped by a Rhodesian bullet and to do more for future generations.

Zimbabwe will prosper beyond imagination because we have a duty — iwe neni tine basa/wena lami silomsebenzi.

We have an obligation, especially to those who lie uninterred in our forests and beyond our borders.

Their souls do not scream for vengeance but glory and development of their beloved country.

We have not forgotten nor have we abandoned our aspirations as a nation, as a people, as Africans.

Let there be no confusion.

The flesh and blood of those who fell in the liberation struggle is the energy upon which the liberated feed on as we preach empowerment and development and everything that we Zimbabweans stand for as we celebrate being Zimbabwean.

To sell out, to work against the revolution is unpardonable arrogance — it is a travesty.

Forgiveness must not be mistaken for impotence.

Our cheek was slapped, we offered the other, but we now have no third one to offer.

We have fought, we have been through fire, our resolve has been strengthened and we will not falter.

We have a duty; iwe neni tine basa/wena lami silomsebenzi.

We do not brook being taken to task by people who maimed and killed us, people we taught democracy and the meaning of human rights.

There is no room for Western arrogance in our country, they are no big brothers and we are no little brothers.

The souls of those who lie in shallow graves, who gave up their lives for a sacred mission, for the people, will judge us harshly if we do not complete the mission that they fell fighting for.

We have a mission that is far from complete; the voices of the bones are speaking: Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo/Ilizwe liyakhwa ngabanikazi balo.


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