Take campaign promises with a pinch of salt


WHEN CCC leader Nelson Chamisa last week declared that he would never return land back to whites and would instead give title deeds to current occupiers, Zimbabweans must have wondered at the apparent metamorphosis undergone by the American-backed party.

He was addressing a political rally at Mucheke Stadium in Masvingo, to set the tone of his election campaign. That this was an empty promise needs no debate for those familiar with the politics of Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe is under sanctions precisely because the ZANU PF Government, through land reform, redistributed land.

This saw a number of whites losing their farms. The Americans, together with their cousins in the West, would have none of that.

How could a black Government dare take land from their former white colonial masters, they wondered! Zimbabwe had, therefore, to be taught a lesson for the rest of Africa, South Africa in particular, never to repeat the same ’error’.

The US took the lead with the punitive and inhuman ZDERA, so that the Zimbabwean Government economy would ‘scream’, leading to the fall of ZANU PF. And already in place was their surrogate MDC, now CCC led by Chamisa.

Thus CCC, ever since it was still MDC, is there to serve the interests of the whites. When Chamisa and Tendai Biti flew to the US to urge the Americans to maintain sanctions, they knew what these measures were there for – to punish ZANU PF for taking land from the whites.

This is the very Chamisa, sounding like a genuine nationalist, who this time is promising never to return farms to the whites, Americans included.

Maybe he could have made an effort to sound even more dramatic by calling on American President Joe Biden to lift the illegal sanctions immediately.  

And we hope the Zimbabwean electorate is not so gullible as to be fooled by such far-fetched wild pronouncements from an American puppet.

This is the same Chamisa who lied to the world, without even blinking, that he had seen the then US President Donald Trump and had been promised US$15 billion gratis.

He knows ZANU PF fought for land and fulfilled its promise by taking the land from the stubborn whites and giving it back to the indigenes. And the green CCC leader has forlorn hope that he can steal the ZANU PF trump card that cheaply.

Instead, we advise him to restrategise and come up with more original ideas, even if it means repeating his promise of building airports in remote areas and spaghetti roads.

The story about CCC giving back land to the whites is just a smokescreen.

In the unlikely event that Chamisa wins, whites will immediately be given back our land — we can bet our last dollar on that!

Mind you, Chamisa’s servitude to the Americans would not be limited to land only, as it would include not only our culture but our sovereignty as well. As American surrogates, CCC is bound to toe the US line of thinking irrespective of how it affects Zimbabweans.

As we speak, Uganda and its leaders are under US sanctions  for passing laws against homosexuality. Americans and their Western cousins, for some strange reason, consider homosexuality a fundamental human right.

It’s a practice they are very keen to see popularised worldwide. It won’t be surprising to see homosexuals and lesbians flocking into our country if the American-backed CCC forms a government.

Not only that. The practice would be allowed to flourish, if only to please Uncle Sam. We are battling a drug problem with our youths, but with an American-backed government, homosexuality might emerge another scourge. 

Americans have this bad habit of not valuing the lives of people whose leaders they consider their stooges. Ukraine is a perfect example. All it had to do was not to threaten the safety of neighbouring Russia by maintaining neutrality. But since the US wanted a market for its weapons, it did not restrain Ukraine from provoking Russia.

The tragic result is, Ukrainians are dying in their thousands as the country is being destroyed. Meanwhile, Biden and other Western leaders have exhausted the vocabulary in eulogising the ‘bravery’ of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

But not a single American or European, let alone their countries, has been affected. These surrogates are less concerned about what happens to their people but more about what happens to the US and its allies.

In short, we are saying, campaign promises may sound very lucrative, but they must always be taken with a pinch of salt.


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