Unity key to development


NOW that elections are effectively over, it is time for Zimbabweans to work together irrespective of political differences in order to achieve our goals of social and economic development that will see us through to Vision 2030.

We take note of recent advice by respected Roman-Catholic priest, Father Fidelis Mukonori, to Mr Nelson Chamisa to concede defeat and seek dialogue.

This followed an earlier plea by Catholic bishops to political leaders to focus on nation building instead of politicking.

It is foolhardy of Mr Chamisa to expect a re-run or a transitional authority to replace the present democratically elected Government.

The legal route to challenge the results is closed as no losing party, including CCC, challenged the results in a court of law.

The President has been inaugurated and MPs, including those from CCC, have already been sworn in.

SADC, the AU and the UN, among other bodies, have already recognised the August 23 and 24 elections as legitimate.

All Mr Chamisa seems to be depending on is a dubious report on the elections by Zambia’s Dr Nevers Mumba, which has since been discredited.

May be utterances by Baroness Kate Hoey in the British House of Lords might be adding to Mr Chamisa’s false hopes.

After all, there is life after elections as the recent plebiscites were merely a two-day wonder.

They are over and what emerged was a resounding victory for ZANU PF and their President, with the CCC a distant second.

The function of the opposition is not merely to throw as much mud as possible at the Government; constructive criticism can see ideas of the opposition play a major part in the development of a country.

Our ideas may differ, even very significantly, but what remains indisputable is that we are one.

Prosperity or poverty will affect every Zimbabwean in equal measure, irrespective of party affiliation.

In the same vein, relatives of people in different political parties shed blood to rid this country of colonial rule and manipulation.

The one-person-one-vote we practised on August 23 and 24 is a result of joint effort to achieve democracy.

In the end what unites us should be much greater than tit bits that divide us.

We, therefore, should speak with one voice on matters of national interest.

One such key issue is the illegal sanctions imposed on us by the US and her Western allies.

The whole nation is suffering because of these evil sanctions.

It is treasonous for a Zimbabwean to support these sanctions, let alone arguing that these sanctions are not harmful.

Some CCC leaders are known to support sanctions hoping that the subsequent suffering of the masses would make them revolt against the Government.

To their dismay, and that of the West, the electorate has stood with ZANU PF.

We hope by now the CCC has realised the futility of supporting sanctions.

We expect the CCC to behave more like an indigenous party by supporting the Government’s re-engagement drive.

For the whole country , irrespective of political affiliation, will benefit from the fruits of massive foreign investment on our own terms.

It is to the advantage of both political parties for the country to be seen as a friend to all and enemy to none.

It is disturbing that there are reports that CCC is determined to bring down the ZANU PF Government before 2028, by hook or by crook.

Encouraged by Dr Mumba’s discredited report, the beleaguered party is said to be plotting to make the country ungovernable.

They hope the anarchy which might follow will encourage the Americans and their allies to attack from Zambia.

If true, they must stop toying with such dangerous ideas at once.

Our law enforcement agents are the envy of the whole region and we are confident any acts of lawlessness will be dealt with firmly.

No-one is immune.

Even those plotting such nefarious deeds behind closed doors, Chamisa included, are within the long arm of the law.

President Mnangagwa has invited all those who lost in the last elections to come together and help build our country.

POLAD can be a very useful and effective forum in a united drive to achieve social and economic development.


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