Unity over division


IN the year 2024, in the time of the celebrations of our nation’s independence and progress, it is disheartening to witness elements of tribalism and divisive sentiments.

As a nation that has overcome numerous challenges and united in the struggle for liberation, these controversies of tribalism are totally unacceptable and detrimental to our collective aspirations for a prosperous and harmonious Zimbabwe.

It is crucial to remind ourselves of our shared history and the sacrifices made by all Zimbabweans during the liberation struggle.

Our forefathers and mothers fought side by side, transcending tribal boundaries, eating from the same plate in pursuit of a common goal —freedom and unity.

This spirit of unity and solidarity is woven into the fabric of our national identity and must be preserved at all costs.

The misguided actions of a few individuals who propagate tribalism and seek attention through mischief cannot be allowed to define us as a nation.

We are a diverse yet united people, bound together by our shared values, aspirations and love for our country.

Tribalism has no place in Zimbabwe and we must unequivocally reject any attempts to sow seeds of division and discord among us.

At a time when we are engaged in significant battles to chart our own destiny and overcome the legacies of our colonial past, unity and cohesion are more critical than ever.

Our focus should be on building a brighter future for all Zimbabweans, irrespective of tribe.

We cannot afford to be distracted by divisions when there are pressing issues that require our collective attention and effort.

It is imperative that we celebrate our diversity as a strength rather than a source of division.

Our nation is enriched by the myriad cultures, languages and traditions that contribute to our vibrant social tapestry.

Let us embrace this diversity with open arms, recognising that it is our collective strength that propels us forward as a nation.

As we commemorate the month of independence, let us reaffirm our commitment to unity, peace and progress.

There is no room for tribalism in Zimbabwe — not now, not ever.

We are not Kalanga, Shona, Venda, Ndebele, or Korekore; we are Zimbabweans first and foremost. Together, we build a future where every citizen is valued, respected and empowered to contribute towards a prosperous and inclusive Zimbabwe.

Let us stand united in rejecting tribalism and embracing our shared identity as Zimbabweans.

Our diversity is our strength and our unity is our power.

Together, we can overcome any challenges and achieve the greatness that our nation deserves.

When we stand together as one, transcending differences and embracing our shared goals, we pave the way for a future that will be greatly admired by generations to come.

Unity is not just a concept; it is the cornerstone of progress and prosperity. In a united Zimbabwe, we pool our strengths, talents and resources to tackle challenges head-on and seize opportunities for advancement. We recognise that our diversity is a source of richness, not division, and we celebrate the unique contributions of each individual and community towards our collective journey.

A united Zimbabwe is a beacon of hope and inspiration for future generations. It is a place where young minds are nurtured, talents cultivated, and dreams turned into reality. By fostering a culture of inclusivity, tolerance and mutual respect, we create an environment where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and contribute meaningfully to our nation’s development.


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