Dr Michelina Andreucci

Harare residents deserve better!…outrage over US$21 million loan request

By Kundai Marunya CITY of Harare’s plans to borrow US$21 million to boost service delivery have raised eyebrows as the council continuously fails to account for previous loans and revenue. Harare recently published a notice in the press seeking permission to borrow US$21 299 800 to...

Safeguarding our heritage … as calls mount for repatriation of ‘trophies’

By Vimbai Malinganiza ZIMBABWE, a country with a rich and complex history, finds itself at a critical juncture when it comes to preserving its cultural heritage.  The nation is home to some of Africa’s most significant historical sites, revered figures, and a resilient spirit forged through...

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Man and money: Part 10 …the thievery of Ohio Company

THE Articles of Confederation, the first Constitution under which the new nation of America...

Man and money: Part Eight …re-evaluating the worth of colonies

THE colonists responded to all legislations by accepting the bounties and other encouragements to...

Man and money: Part Seven …rise of the colonial enterprise

SOME merchants ran factories, from which came metals, glass and candles, among many other...

Man and money: Part Six …rise of tobacco as a currency

IN the 1700s, the colonial economy in America was dominated by two types of...

Man and money: Part Four …the rise of slavery

IN 1672, the Royal African Company was organised to take over all of England’s...

Water use by farmers in Zim: Part Four …the birth of ZINWA

THE Plymouth Company sent its first vessels to North America in 1607.  Two ships landed...

Man and money  …the birth of tobacco growing

IN May of 1607, Smythe’s ships arrived in Chesapeake Bay, but not with the...

Animals and fish in the rock art of Zim

ROCK paintings in Zimbabwe are found wherever suitable surfaces exist.   Granite and sandstone outcrops dotted...

Climate smart agriculture for Zim

ZIMBABWE’s  diverse, rich ecosystems are under threat today from climate change. This is reality that...

Biodiversity conservation in Zimbabwe

ZIMBABWE has a programme for promoting the recovery of threatened species from the list...

Jewellery through the ages

BODY ornamentation made of feathers, bones, shells and coloured pebbles has been a part...

From myth to fairy tale …and to a new deadly variant

AFTER more than three years of the COVID-19 pandemic, WHO officially ended the global...

Latest articles

Harare residents deserve better!…outrage over US$21 million loan request

By Kundai Marunya CITY of Harare’s plans to borrow US$21 million to boost service delivery...

Safeguarding our heritage … as calls mount for repatriation of ‘trophies’

By Vimbai Malinganiza ZIMBABWE, a country with a rich and complex history, finds itself at...

War against mutoriro hots up. . . as local firm donates drug testing equipment

By Kundai Marunya GOVERNMENT’S decision to introduce compulsory drug testing for public transport drivers, civil...

Backyard schools: Challenges and the way forward

By Vimbai Malinganiza THE  growing number of unregistered schools has become a thorn in the...
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