Emergency Mwale

Harare residents deserve better!…outrage over US$21 million loan request

By Kundai Marunya CITY of Harare’s plans to borrow US$21 million to boost service delivery have raised eyebrows as the council continuously fails to account for previous loans and revenue. Harare recently published a notice in the press seeking permission to borrow US$21 299 800 to...

Safeguarding our heritage … as calls mount for repatriation of ‘trophies’

By Vimbai Malinganiza ZIMBABWE, a country with a rich and complex history, finds itself at a critical juncture when it comes to preserving its cultural heritage.  The nation is home to some of Africa’s most significant historical sites, revered figures, and a resilient spirit forged through...

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41 000 Palestinians dead, 96 000 injured. . . as cloud hands over International Non-Violence Day

AS the world marked the 17th anniversary of the International Day of Non-Violence on November 2,...

Israel: The heartless warlord of the Middle East

FOR how long will the world remain silent?A genocide is happening right in front...

Israel blocks polio vaccination in Gaza

ISRAEL has blocked the distribution of crucial polio vaccines in the Gaza Strip, stopping...

Second Chimurenga: Biological warfare victims speak out

AS the liberation struggle intensified, with the ZANLA and ZIPRA cadres gaining ground at...

The day Rhodies met their match

The story of Cde Francis Nyoni, alias Cde Tamuka Mabhunu I WAS born Francis...

My encounter with Rhodies in Dewedzo

The story of Elias Chirambai, alias Cde Jikinya MasendekeMY name is Elias Chirambai, and...

A lesson the Rhodies will never forget

The story of Agnes Mushonga I WILL live to remember and celebrate the Battle of...

‘I cheated death at Tembwe’ 

The story of Francesca Chigutro, alias Cde Tauya muZimbabwe  IN March 1975, I made the...

Rhodies thwarted in Gasani Village, Domboshava

The story of Archbord Musonza MY name is Archbord Musonza and this is my story. On...

Gaza is under siege . . . as world commemorates International Day for Prevention of Violent Extremism

THE UN General Assembly (UNGA), which is the main deliberative, policy making and representative...

Cde Shamu warns land barons

By Emergency Mwale-Kmutande, recently in Zvimba West ZANU PF’s national Deputy Political Commissar, who is...

Vanamukoma taught us a lesson

The story of Garikai Chiwanza (not real name)   IT was around 9am on April 14...

Latest articles

Harare residents deserve better!…outrage over US$21 million loan request

By Kundai Marunya CITY of Harare’s plans to borrow US$21 million to boost service delivery...

Safeguarding our heritage … as calls mount for repatriation of ‘trophies’

By Vimbai Malinganiza ZIMBABWE, a country with a rich and complex history, finds itself at...

War against mutoriro hots up. . . as local firm donates drug testing equipment

By Kundai Marunya GOVERNMENT’S decision to introduce compulsory drug testing for public transport drivers, civil...

Backyard schools: Challenges and the way forward

By Vimbai Malinganiza THE  growing number of unregistered schools has become a thorn in the...
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