EDITOR — As the President of the Zimbabwe Diaspora Business Alliance, I extend heartfelt congratulations to President Dr E. D. Mnangagwa, Minis-ter of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Hon Frederick Shava and the Ministry for securing the opportunity to host the 2025 Africa-Nordic Sum-mit. This achievement symbolises the tangible success of Zimbabwe’s foreign policy efforts.
Hosting such a prestigious event not only enhances the country’s diplomat-ic standing but also signifies a fertile ground for fostering economic partner-ships and attracting investments. This significant milestone underscores Zim-babwe’s commitment to engaging with the global community and creating avenues for the Diaspora to contribute to the nation’s development.
By facilitating dialogue and collab-oration between African and Nordic nations, this summit promises to open doors for mutually beneficial ventures and initiatives. Moreover, it presents a unique opportunity for Zimbabweans in the Diaspora to reconnect with their roots and actively participate in the country’s growth trajectory.
I commend Minister Shava and the entire Ministry for their dedication and
strategic approach in positioning Zim-babwe on the international stage. Their relentless efforts have not only secured this prestigious event but also paved the way for enhanced economic cooper-ation and sustainable development.
Once again, thank you, Honourable Minister, for your exemplary leader-ship and commitment to advancing Zimbabwe’s interests on the global stage. Your efforts are truly appreciat-ed and will undoubtedly yield fruitful outcomes for our beloved nation.
BaShona, President of the Zimbabwe Diaspora Business Alliance