By Vimbai Malinganiza
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) is a set of technologies that enable computers to perform a variety of advanced functions, including the ability to see, understand and translate spoken and written language, analyse data, make recommendations, and more.
It is a field of science concerned with building computers and machines that can reason, learn and act in such a way that would normally require human intelligence.
AI has emerged as a transformative technology which is reshaping industries and societies globally, creating opportunities within businesses to be more innovative and efficient.
Within the educational sector, AI is being used to enhance teaching and learning experiences to improve educational outcomes. As a country that is under illegal sanctions by the West, Zimbabwe needs to embrace AI technologies in its education sector to help students prepare for their future and foster development goals.
Government must fully invest in AI education to equip students with the skills needed to thrive in the 21st Century, such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. Zimbabwe’s curriculum must be reviewed and updated to include AI concepts and applications across different subjects and levels to ensure it is in line with the national and regional development standards.

Zimbabwe can introduce AI literacy and integrate AI related topics in subjects such as mathematics, science, social studies and languages.
The Government can also provide teachers with adequate training and support to integrate AI in their teaching and to use AI tools and resources to enhance effectiveness and efficiency in their job. Zimbabwe can offer teachers access to AI-powered platforms and tools, for example, virtual reality, intelligent tutoring systems, adaptive learning systems and chat bots that can help them answer students’ questions and provide additional information and grade assignments.

AI technologies have the potential to make education more accessible and inclusive for students with diverse learning needs and abilities. AI-powered tools, like speech recognition software, text to speech applications and language translation services, could help in supporting learners with disabilities, language barriers or learning difficulties, thus enabling them to access educational content and participate in learning activities. By removing barriers in the education sector, AI promotes inclusiveness.
In tandem with Government’s Vision 20230, all schools should have adequate infrastructure, equipment and connectivity to enable them to exploit AI and address the digital divide.
Al tools and resources must, therefore, be affordable, accessible to and inclusive of consumers despite their socio-economic backgrounds, gender or disabilities.
The Education Ministry must continue to invest and upgrade its ICT infrastructure and equipment such as computers, tablets, internet services in schools and more specifically, in rural or remote areas.
Fostering partnerships with various stakeholders, such as the Government, private sector, civil society, academia and the international community at large, to mobilise resources, expertise and support for education initiatives is also key. Citizens can work together with Government or the Education Ministry in particular, to develop policies and regulations that promote the use and governance of AI in education and to allocate funds for AI education programmes.
By using AI in the educational sector, the nation can benefit more, for example, improving the quality and relevance of education by providing students with personalised and adaptive learning skills, feedback and assessment.
Al can help students learn at their own pace and in the way that best suits their needs, by analysing their performance, learning styles and interests. It also helps those students who are failing or struggling with certain subjects or topics by providing additional resources and support tailored to meet their learning styles.
Students can get better and quality education through AI, regardless of their locations by delivering online and offline courses and content on various devices and platforms.
Al is a powerful and promising technology that can transform education and development in Zimbabwe. To harness the full potential of AI, Zimbabwe needs to adopt a strategic and holistic approach to incorporate AI in its education sector. There is also need to ensure that AI application is guided by the principles of inclusion, equity and ethics.
Embracing AI education can pave the way for more equitable, effective and sustainable education system that equips students with the right skills in this digital era.