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Africa University’s Peace and Governance programme …is it as innocent as it looks?

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IN Part One of this series we observed that our universities have been infiltrated by Western ‘soft power’ peddlers with a neo-colonial agenda to re-establish control over Africa’s rich natural resources through a new and more sophisticated form of colonialism that seeks to promote white interests by controlling the mind-set of the African elite.
In this respect, we identified the United States’ National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Britain’s Westminister Foundation for Democracy (WFD) and the United States Institute for Peace (USIP) which all act through George Soros’ institutions to fund the Peace, Leadership and Governance (PLG) programmes which have gone viral in our academic institutions.
This week we focus on Africa University’s Institute of Peace, Leadership and Governance (IPLG) which was established to be the continental training centre for leaders in the non-governmental organisation (NGO) sector and lecturers in the Departments of Peace, Leadership and Governance at universities throughout Africa.
Africa University (AU) was built in 1993 on a farm owned by the American Methodist Church outside the eastern border city of Mutare.
It recruits students from all over Africa, but mainly from countries south of the Sahara.
In this respect, therefore, Africa University would want to be viewed as a church-related institution focused on spreading education throughout Africa.
With George Soros’ Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA) as the major funder, the IPLG was established on the premises of the AU in 2003 to offer post graduate qualifications in Peace, Leadership and Governance.
In Zimbabwe, the IPLG graduates who get deployed in the NGO sector are involved on a full time basis in executing programmes designed to remove President Mugabe from power.
This has been the focus of almost all Western-backed NGOs since 1999 when the European Union (EU) took the decision that President Mugabe must be removed from power.
Since 1999 NGOs have been actively involved in activities to de-campaign President Mugabe as an undemocratic leader who should be voted out of power. They have even resorted to desperate measures such as describing the President’s age as a disadvantage to the country without explaining how.
Non-governmental organisations access the electorate by pretending to be involved in development projects.
As they distribute food and engage in fake development projects, they speak ill of ZANU PF and describe it in the worst possible terms to persuade the voters to vote into power the Western preferred opposition parties in the next election.
Those IPLG graduates who are deployed to teach Peace Studies at universities promote the regime change agenda against President Mugabe not only through what they teach but what they write and publish in articles, books and journals.
To confirm our hypothesis that IPLG graduates are not an asset to the country, but a liability as they are trained to undermine the country’s interests, we did a study of the thinking patterns of 11 of IPLG graduates who work in the NGO sector or teach at universities.
We studied journal articles and media statements by the following:
(a) Farai Maguwu — formerly director, Centre for Research and Development, (b) Mfundo Mlilo — executive director Combine Harare Residents Association, (c) Fambai Ngirande — spokesman NANGO; d) Ernest Nyamukachi – lecturer PLG, BUSE; e) Kudakwashe Chirambwi, founder and head PLG, National University of Science and Technology (NUST); f) Octavious Chido Masunda — lecturer PLG, NUST; g) David Foya — lecturer PLG, NUST; h) Ndakaitei Makwanise – lecturer PLG NUST; i) Obediah Dodo – founder and head PLG, Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE); j) David Makwerere – lecturer PLG, BUSE; k) Wurayayi Zembe, politician.
Our overall assessment was that almost all of the above-listed IPLG products think that:
(1) Zimbabwe would be better without ZANU PF in power. The fact that ZANU PF brought about independence and economic empowerment through the Land Reform Programme and the indigenisation policy is not acknowledged;
(2) MDC is a democratic movement and a victim of ZANU PF violence. The fact that the MDC is a puppet movement formed by the British Government to end ZANU PF and for Britain to re-establish control of the country by proxy is never acknowledged in what they say or write;
(1) There should be ‘transitional justice’ when ZANU PF loses power. This means that ZANU PF officials must be tried and sent to jail as soon as the party is defeated in a general election. To this end some NGOs such as Jestina Mukoko’s Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP) are documenting all allegations of violence perpetrated by ZANU PF officials on MDC members for use as evidence for future trials. Such measures are necessary to ensure that ZANU PF is permanently disabled, never to come back to haunt the MDC again;
(2) Zimbabwe is experiencing turmoil and will only be peaceful when ZANU PF exits power. Despite the fact that Zimbabwe is perhaps the most peaceful country in the world, most of the above-named IPLG graduates present Zimbabwe as being perpetually in conflict. This appears to be a strategy to enable the so-called peace experts to meddle in the affairs of the country.
Generally one would be accurate to say most of the IPLG graduates who work at universities and in the NGO sector demonstrate lack of patriotism.
The following are well known unpatriotic Zimbabweans:
(a) Farai Maguwu was made director of Centre for Research and Development (CRD) as soon as he graduated to champion the demonisation of Marange diamonds as a Western tactic to delay the Kimberley certification of the diamonds and to give a chance to the regime change agenda against President Mugabe to succeed. This was unpatriotic of Maguwu.
(b) Obediah Dodo has reduced himself to a tribal analyst who views the politics of Zimbabwe in the Shona–Ndebele dichotomy. This is supportive of the West’s strategy to divide the Ndebele from the Shona as agreed in Washington D.C. on March 23 1999.
(c) Mfundo Mlilo in his roles at Combined Harare Residents Association (CHRA) and Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (CiZC) has established himself as a very active agent of regime change. He is so bitter that ZANU PF, instead of MDC, won the 2013 election that he says the people of this country have lost faith in elections as a means to change.
Last year he, together with his colleagues at Crisis, went to South Africa to tell the world that there will be a coup in Zimbabwe.
For our readers to fully appreciate the damage that IPLG has caused to this country, we will, in the coming weeks, review the activities in full of some of the IPLG graduates, including Pamela Machakanja herself, the director of the Institute of Peace Leadership and Governance.
It should be understood that our main objective in publishing these articles is to highlight the serious threat posed by our erstwhile colonisers through our education system.


  1. This article is not balanced at all. Both the said lecturers and the NGO bosses who graduated with these degrees and the writer of this article live in a polarised society in which you are either ZANU PF or the Opposition. However, some of the articles they write are factual. It is public knowledge that ZANU PF is a violent party which has used the state machinery to repress political dissidence. It is also public knowledge that the MDC is funded by Western nations whose interests were curtailed by the political land reform which was carried for ZANU PF’s own selfish political objectives. But the reality is Zimbabwe is in a mess because of a clueless 93 year old. Age is a thing and tell which modern vibrant democracy have you seen with a 93 year old in power for 37 years?


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