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America: Nation of immigrants

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Is it a country? 

Does it comprise children that are indigenous to its land?

Before we attempt to answer that question, let us look at our own country and try to identify the elements that make up a nation.

Zimbabwe is a land first inhabited by the Bushmen as evidenced by early rock paintings and other archaeological findings such as stone tools.

It was later inhabited by former Saharan inhabitants of places like Egypt and Nubia as proven by the E1b1a sub-Saharan paternal genetic marker found in the fossil remains of Ramses III.

Using the Phoenician and/or Indian Ocean routes, they settled at the Great Lakes region. 

After overcrowding the so-called Negro-Bantu groups migrated, some to west and others to southern Africa.

Hints of these organised migrations are in the commonality of Bantu languages and the names of places like Tanganyika (Tanzania) meaning, ‘form a country’. 

Mazambuko (Mozambique) means where to crossover (the oceans). 

And Matagadzikwa (Madagascar) means where we have been placed.

With no borders limiting human and animal movement, these groups mingled freely. 

Some Zimbabweans lived and worked in Mozambique and others in places as distant as Yemen and Oman.

The Sena, for example, are found in Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe but their ancestral homeland was in ancient Sena of Yemen (Saba), between the harbours of Tarim and Sayhut.

These groups called Sabaeans (VaShavi) appear in the biblical records as the traders who sold gold and almug wood from Ophir to Asia in King Solomon’s time.

So, Zimbabwe, in antiquity, should be viewed not as a landlocked country but a maritime power.

Each group has its own story and path to this land and we are united by common languages, totems and respective tribes.

By the time Machema (Mapungubwe) and later Zimbabwe monuments were built, these groups from the great lakes region and the Arabian Peninsula had been well established and the land was divided among kingdoms.

Even relatively late comers like the Zulu-Ndebele are of the Nguni family which has relatively recent ancestral links to Shona groups like the Karanga.

The lowest and most populous class of the three Ndebele classes was wholly comprising the Karanga and other Shona tribes inhabiting Matabeleland prior to the coming of Mzilikazi.

Thus, we find totemic names like Dube (Mbizi), Sibanda (Shumba), Ndlovhu (Nzou) and so on among many of the Ndebele and a fewer having strictly Zulu names like Khumalo, Nkomo and Dhliwayo.

But why then are whites considered outsiders in Africa no matter how long they stay in it? 

It is the same reason blacks are considered foreigners in China or Europe, even if they are born there. Each race’s phenotype is moulded by the environment it lives in besides its genetic code. 

A jaguar differs from a leopard and a crocodile from an alligator because of the differences in environment over a long period of time. 

The differences in skin colour, hair texture, facial features, vocal channels, language and character between the blacks of Africa and whites of Europe were, and continue to be, big.

The cold of Europe will frustrate the African as much as the heat of Africa to the European, whether or not we accept that we are in all truth different from each other.

Thus it is safe to say that nature itself determines who will thrive or perish in a certain environment and thus, who is and is not indigenous to it.

The Aryans of the Indus valley were once blacks and, owing to depigmentation through vitiligo (leprosy), they crossed the Caucasus mountains to found the Caucasian race we see today. 

The hot region scattered them to the cold lands.

Intermarriage between them and the black Asians brought about the middle race between black and white which encompasses much of Arabia, central and western Asia.

The whiteman’s presence in the Americas, Australia and Africa is entirely based on destitution and imperialism. Europe in the 15th Century, was overcrowded and its resources depleted. 

The rivers had no fish and were dirty, so were the seas. 

Europe had always been dependent on the resources of Africa and Asia for their provision throughout the Moorish period.

Before that, the Romans and Greeks equally relied on eastern resources. After Columbus invaded the lands west of the Atlantic Ocean, the Europeans saw and promoted it as a new world for their people.

Invading the unsuspecting people of the lands west of the Atlantic was found to be easier than battling for the east which, at that point in time, was under the control of the Ottoman Empire.

Before the land was called America, it was simply called the new world. 

But in order to enjoy the new, they had to do away with the old, namely the indigenous people and traditional systems of governance of that land.

It is no surprise that the southern Europeans are prominent in south America because they have more pigment than Caucasians. 

Canada is split between British and French nationals because it is too northerly and cold for the Latin.

This was the first place of refuge for the Europeans and, with time, they grew more desperate; leading them to venture into lands like Africa and Australia for land and resources, despite the physical discomfort and illnesses they suffer from the great heat of the southern hemisphere.

Now the West wants us, the indigenous people of these lands to accept them as one of us and forget about the bloody history of their arrival; the wealth imbalances, brain drain, grief of life loss, labour shortages and weakening of kingdoms caused by slavery, colonisation and neo-colonialism.

The racial differences they have with us are a telling mark of who originates where and the differences in character speak volumes to this as well.

One’s character was shaped by gentle conditions like warm climate, fresh water, fertile lands and plenty food, while the other was shaped by harsh conditions like the cold climate, unclean water, unfertile lands and scarce food resources.

One is thus a herbivore while the other is a predator.

So what is America? 

It is a nation of immigrants who killed off the indigenous people of that land. 

They enslaved the survivors and millions of Africans who built the country and catalysed the agricultural and industrial revolution.

Native Americans seem few because they were mostly blacks and their descendants have been painted with the same brush as African captives to deprive them of native land rights.

The Mongols (Red Indians) were few to begin with and crossed the Bering Straits from East Asia more recently.

Now, Americans are of English, Irish, German, Ashkenaz (Khazar), Italian, Spanish, Portuguese (Latin) and African extraction, among others.

It is not a nation but a conglomeration of European refugees that barbarically displaced their involuntary hosts and took over their land. 

Whites have done this more recently in places like Palestine. 

In Australia, the indigenous people were almost totally annihilated and were disenfranchised by land grabs, killings as well as forced miscegenation through rapes and expulsion. 

Ships of British criminals and convicts were taken to that land and given possession of it because England was overpopulated.

All the blacks of Tasmania were killed by the British and now the settlers wish to pass off as Tasmanians. 

White settlers have failed to be identified as Africans because they are not black and their settler history haunts them.

But if history is forgotten, the African will cease to be solely black, as in the case of the ancient Hebrews, Arabians, Egyptians and Americans, when for time immemorial, these groups were known to be typically black.


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