EDITOR – I MUST say I was impressed by your recent cartoon in The Patriot.
It was about the tourist that went missing in Mount Inyangani.
Your cartoon asked a pertinent question, one that I was even asking myself.
Where are our so-called prophets who come up with all sorts of miracles, the likes of Hubert Angel, Walter Magaya, and Emmanuel Makandiwa among others?
Surely if they possess all their so-called powers, what can stop them from rescuing a tourist lost in a mountain?
From miracle money, miracle babies, miracle fuel, organ enlargement, converting and delivering pole-dancer Bev and all sorts of miracles, I don’t think finding a lost tourist would be much of a problem.
By the way, Mount Inyangani is not so far.
Just a three-hour drive from Harare is all they need to get there and perform a miracle that will be definitely something to talk about world over considering there are people who came from the Diaspora just to search for their loved one.
In fact, the likes of Angel will take minutes provided it is true that he has a helicopter.
It’s been a while now people searching to no avail, so where are our so-called prophets?
Are they also scared that they will disappear in that mountain?
It is my hope that those who follow these prophets read this letter.
It will definitely be food for thought.