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By Nthungo YaAfrika

THE Patriot of February 2-8 2024 featured an article by Golden Guvamatanga under the  ‘National Agenda’ reflecting on the judgment on land reform by Judge Julia of the British High Court. 

First and foremost, the Tambous (white savages) never brought land to Zimbabwe or to any place they colonised all over the world. The land belonged to the indigenous people of those places they colonised. 

The forerunner to land misappropriation and colonisation was white Christianity. This is lost to many indigenous people all over the world, especially in Africa. Just by mentioning this, one is ridiculed by many Africans who have converted to white Christianity without having knowledge of how and why it was created. 

It is more disappointing when one hears the same arguments being brought forward by university graduates, pastors and prophets who are supposed to be shepherds of the ordinary people and one wonders if they understand John 8:32, which simply says knowledge of truth sets one free. 

Is it then not surprising that our motherland, being the richest in natural resources, has poverty that is unparalled all over the world and white Christianity blames it on the devil no-one has ever seen. The devil is within us and manifests when one does not understand the meaning of John 8:32, which is older than the Tambous’ so-called Bible.

The Tambous usurped a religious system that was, and is still, beyond their spiritual comprehension because it was created before they became a race (Book of Enoch). 

The white savages have broken, and are still breaking, every commandment in their religious Book they blasphemously call ‘Holy’. The British High Court was created in 1875. If Britain had adhered to it’s religious Book, the Bible, which has been the Brits’  physical and spiritual foundation since way back, then would not have rejected Zimbabwe’s claim to State immunity. By refusing Zimbabwe’s claim it shows that the British court is at odds with the Bible and the white God  mentioned in their Bible. 

The land issue in Zimbabwe, that also affects all former colonised countries, is not a case for the courts but for the so-called white Christian Church — the foundation of all former colonies’ problems.

The land issue can only be finalised when the white Christian religion is forced to live by what their Bible says. As I said elsewhere, the Tambous have broken all commandents in their religious Book they blasphemously call the Holy Bible. 

The forceful removals of indigenous peoples from their lands which were then acquired by the white Christians is described thus in the Book of Leviticus 6:1-5 on Ill-gotten wealth: ‘‘ And Jehovah went on to say to Moses: ‘If someone sins and behaves unfaithfully toward Jehovah by deceiving his neighbour in connection with something entrusted to him, or something deposited with him or he robs or defrauds his neighbour, or he finds something lost and is receptive about it, and if he swears falsely over such sin he may commit, this is what he must do: If he has sinned and is guilty, he must return what he stole, what he extorted, what he took by fraud, what was entrusted to him, or the lost thing that he found, or anything about which he swore falsely, and he must make full compesation for it, and he will add a fifth to it of its value. He will give it to the owner on the day his guilt is proved.”

As I said at the begining of this article, no white savage brought any land to the places he colonised. Their Bible is the prosecutor and judge in this matter. To me, God and the Creator are different entities, because God has an afterthought and the Creator doesn’t because the Creator is all-knowing. Yet throughout their Bible, it shows their God having an afterthought. 

If the white Christian religion was connected to the Creator, all those who colonised other races should have, by now, paid compensation to the victims. Because it is not, victims are now being forced to pay compensation to the robbers. 

Our so-called academics and intellectuals, both religious and non-religious, in the motherland should have educated the masses about the negative shortcomings of white Christian religion. By not doing so, they have inherited the word ‘Tambou’ which means ‘savage’ — a name given to  the so-called white race by our ancestors before 525 BC. 

As I am always saying, they corrupted our ancestors’ writings but unwittingly left signposts that show their ignorance and guilty to man and the Creator, resulting in the confusion and hatred in the world today. 

Democracy without knowledge of the Creator creates what we are witnessing in the world today. A typical example is the gay and lesbian issue which is even abhorred in the white Christian-corrupted Bible but is being legalised by the white Christian leaders and clandenstinely by the so misnamed black race.  

Yeshua, misnamed Jesus, prophesied about this in Matthew 15:14.

Christianity must stop hiding behind its little finger and solve the land issue in Zimbabwe as well as other former colonised countries. The Greek Orthodox, Catholic, Anglican and Dutch churches, among many others, all benefited from the theft of indigenous land. 

Today, very little land is actually in the hands of indigens after being mortaged by the white Christians who are backed by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which incidentally has the majority of white Christians. It is an unpardonable sin to have squatters on the motherland which houses the holiest shrine in the world — the Great Zimbabwe Monument. 

We do not need lawyers to fight this case but the Tambous’ Christian Bible. If is not admissible in the Tambous Christian courts, then it simply means Christianity’s foundation is of man, not of the Creator. 

If the British want to re-engage the Zimbabwean Government, then let them publicly say that their Bible must be admissible in their courts and also in the ICJ.  

The judges and lawyers in all national and international courts swear by the Tambous’ Bible and yet what is written in it is not admissible in their courts. What a tragedy and travesty! 

The democracy that the Tambous’ Christian churches and governments want is the one that protects their thieving past and capitalist system that continues to impoverish the majority. 

There are two education systems; one that empowers one to have self-racial respect and the one that encourages self-dehumanisation. We have a descendant of a white savage calling a descendant of the first creation of the Creator a savage. And because of ignorance, the descendant of Light thinks it’s true. What a tragedy! When will this end? 

Ignorance is a voluntary misfortune and is not pardonable by the Creator because we are made in the Creator’s image.


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