By Nthungo YaAfrika

THIS is Yeshua’s prayer according to the Tambous’ Bible: “Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. 

Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth. Give us today our bread for this day, and forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not bring us into temptation but deliver us from the wicked one.” 

Yeshua knew Prophet Enoch and he could have not told his Apostles to pray thus. Prophet Enoch never taught anyone to pray but to simply just ‘walk with the Creator’. 

Here are the flaws in the Tambous’ prayer: 

  • Yeshua knew that the Creator has no gender. (Exodus 3:13-14) But Moses said to the True God: “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your forefathers has sent me to you’, and they say to me, ‘What is his name? What should I say to them?’ So God said to Moses: ‘I Will Become what I Choose to Become’. And he added: ‘This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘I Will Become has sent me to you’.”

In these two verses, one can see the compiler genderising and speaking for the Creator: “And He added”.

  • The other flaw in the Tambous’ Yeshua’s prayer is this statement: “And do not bring us into temptation but deliver us from the wicked one.” This flies against what is written in James 1:13 which simply says: “When under trial, let no-one say: I am being tried by God.”

The nearest Yeshua’s corrupted prayer is to Enoch’s ‘Walk with the Creator’ is: “Let your will take place as in heavens also on earth.”

We have been intimidated for far too long about the Creator’s name: “I Am”, from 323 BC and still counting. From the first generation of 323 BC that was conquered and corrupted, we believe to boot what is in the Tambous’ Bible. 

Matthew 12:33-37 is a typical example of how Tambous’ Christianity is described: “Tree known by its fruit.” 

The fruits of Christianity are all there for everyone to see — unending wars and a capitalist system that is anti-unity, unpatriotic and does not give anyone a sense of belonging or being loved. Even in the realm of witchcraft this system is forbidden and yet in the realm of those who profess to follow the Son of Man, it is treated as an icing on the cake. 

Yes, in ignorance people call themselves Christians. (Matthew 12:33-37)  

Nahasis must acquaint themselves with books like those of G.M. James (Stolen Legacy), J.A. Rogers, Cheikh Anta Diop (who has written many books, mostly unpalatable to the Tambous) and those of Enoch, among others.  

If those who compiled the Tambous’ Bible were inspired, they would have known that there is no difference between Egypt and Ethiopia for they all mean the same. 

The Greeks described our skin hue as ‘egyptious’, meaning ‘black’ while the Romans descibed it as ‘ethiopius’ which also means black. The Tambous had no proper description of our skin hue so did the Arabs who described it as ‘soudan’, also meaning ‘black’. 

Of interest are the Arabs, who are across between our race and other races; and these, like all other races, Genesis 6 explains how they came to be. When ‘I Am’ created the human race, the first creation was us. (The Glorious Qura’n Al Hirj verse 26) What happened in between is lost because the Tambous, in their ignorance, burnt all the books concerning the true creation stories from 323 BC and then recompiled them in ignorance by forcing Manetho to help them, who (in ignorance or deliberately) misled them. 

This we will never truly know as the Glorious Qura’n in The Cow says: “When thy Lord said unto the Angels: Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in the earth, they said: Wilt Thou place therein one who  will do harm therein and will shed blood, while we, hymn thy praise and sanctify thee? He said: Surely I know that which ye know not.” 

Our communication with the Creator is defective thus resulting in our race being the poorest in a continent that is the richest on the planet. This being so because of the corrupted prayer which is a curse for our race since the Tambous invaded our space. 

How then must our race pray? 

Simply by asking the Creator to give us physical and spiritual strength for us to re-establish the link for our race to be what it was when the Creator created us. 

The first step that must be taken by us as a race is that of removing physical and spiritual poverty amongst us as these are an abomination to the Creator. Because of these two, we have become the joke of all humanity. 

On Tik Tok, there is a trending video about the Benin Wall which actually shows that we, as a race, do not know our past stories. 

This is not surprising because of the apartheid education and religion, ignorantly still loved and reigning supreme among us. The Tambous claim that, without them, we would still be fighting each other; so, they claim they were spiritually created to be our overseers. 

Who can deny this, with the extreme confusion on our continent, incidentally caused by them through their Nahasi agents here!

The Creator is about love, not about religions. Religions are a human construct. They are physically and spiritually faulty, but humans love them more than the Creator for monetary gain. This scenario is abundant here in Africa because of the corrupted Tambou Bible and our inability to challenge it because of divisions amongst us created by the Tambous. 

Can we, as a despised race, really analyse the Tambou Christian Bible for this religion was the first to divert us from the Ways of the Creator? 

But whether we like it or not it will have to be discussed for the sake of future generations. 

Africa has 700 million plus Christians, but the results are nowhere to be seen. 

Jesus is called Prince of Peace, yet this title was first given to Imhotep of the Third Dynasty about 2980 BC. He was worshipped as a god for the next 2 000 years not only in Egypt but Greece and Rome. 

He was also worshipped by early Christians! 

He was a physician by profession. After his death he was worshipped as a demigod from 2850 to AD550.

The title ‘Messiah’ was first given to Amenophis IV, better known as Akhenaton the Heretic. Modern Christianity borrowed ignorance about the Creator from the Priests of Amen who disseminated, superstitions, suppressed thought and upheld ignorance. Akhenaton lived 1 300 years before Christ, yet he preached a gospel of perfect love, brotherhood and truth. 2 000 years before Prophet Muhammad, he taught the doctrine of one God. This is not surprising for the Book of Ecclesiates says boldly there is nothing new under the sun. 

It already existed before our time.

Yeshua wanted to rekindle the work of Prophet Enoch and to remind people that death is not an option but this fell on deaf ears. Coming closer to home, Mbuya Nehanda clearly shows us that death is not an option but this generation does not want to hear about it. Spiritual ignorance of the masses benefits some people. This can be changed in an instant if we collectively preach the Gospel of Enoch, Yeshua and Mbuya Nehanda; that of walking with the Creator. Zimbabwe hosts the Spirit of Mbuya Nehanda but the Tambous and their acolytes here have made sure that she is treated as an evil spirit. 

Let’s uncorrupt Yeshua’s prayer with the help of Mbuya Nehanda, by praying that the Creator’s will be done now. 

This has to start here in Zimbabwe — let it become a beacon hope for our race. If Mbuya Nehanda is with us who can destabilise us! 

The Tambous are boldly claiming that we do not know our past and they are there to teach us! 

Let us also boldly say ‘No’ to that claim! 


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