HomeOpinionDecolonising the mind: Part 16 …poised to defend Zimbabwe with our lives

Decolonising the mind: Part 16 …poised to defend Zimbabwe with our lives

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By Abraham Mabvurira
IF our ancestors were able to sacrifice their precious lives to die for Zimbabwe and liberate it from colonial shackles, then nothing can stop their descendants (contemporary Zimbabweans) from defending and protecting Zimbabwe from foreign aggressors who are working in cahoots with local opposition parties and NGOs.
If today’s younger generation of imperialists made a blood covenant with their long dead ancestors to perpetuate white supremacy, colonialism, neo-colonialism and exploitation of Africans and their natural resources, then nothing can stop modern day Africans from taking the patriotic and nationalistic road that our forebears took — to fight, defend and protect the motherland from foreign invasion, influence, subjugation and exploitation. 
If the evil spirit of imperialism, neo-colonialism and unilateralism is in the DNA of Uncle Sam and his Western allies, then the good spirit of anti-imperialism, nationalism and multilateralism is also in the DNA of Africans.
Similarly, if the US and the West constantly resort to propaganda and lies to blind the people and put them to sleep, then Africans shall always choose the way of truth to decolonise the mind of the people so as to awaken and liberate the world. 
As history clearly points out, America’s history is marred by confrontation, aggression, hostilities and crimes against humanity in various peace loving nations of the world but through well-crafted lies and propaganda, the same US has been, and still is, moving around the world as an arbiter of conflicts among nations, posing as an advocate of peace, human rights and democracy. 
The same US that has a record of violating human rights of millions of people in and outside American soils is ironically presenting itself as a nation that does not only respect fundamental human rights but also a teacher and paragon of virtue. 
If the US was really acting according to what it says and purports to be, then Zimbabwe would not have been under illegal economic sanctions today, and if the US was committed to promoting democracy and human rights, it would not commit horrible crimes against humanity in various countries around the world which include Syria, Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan. 
But since this is not the case, we shall continue to expose and resist America’s hypocrisy and condemn its influence and interference in sovereign nations, Zimbabwe included, because we know and understand the fact that the US always leaves a trail of blood, devastation and desolation wherever it sets its imperial foot. 
For instance, the interference of the US in Zimbabwe’s domestic issues and local politics has left Zimbabwe struggling to achieve its desires, having to contend with opposition politics of sabotage. Nevertheless, Zimbabweans will never buckle or give in to pressure because we know that our problems and challenges are manufactured and engineered by the US and, unlike natural challenges, man-made challenges can be easily overcome. 
All that is necessary to conquer is to identify the root cause of a problem and deal with it from the source, and fortunately that we have already done. 
In Zimbabwe, our real problem is not opposition leaders in CCC who are merely puppets of Uncle Sam’s exploitation; our real problem and challenge is the US which is their maker and sponsor.
CCC, as a political outfit, is only a manifestation of a more serious and deeper problem.
Therefore, in the name of global peace, human rights and democracy, we shall continue to challenge the US to stop interfering in the domestic affairs of Zimbabwe and other nations to ensure global peace and stability and we shall relentlessly call upon their government to respect the fundamental human rights of people, the independence and sovereignty of other nations. 
The use of puppet politicians, NGOs, CIA agents and illusive ideals of democracy and human rights as channels of causing havoc and destabilisation around the world is no longer sustainable because the world has awakened to the US’ deceit.
Therefore, we advise the American government to dismantle its outdated machinery of imperialism, neo-colonialism, war and terror because the world needs peace, not war. 
Zimbabweans need unity, peace and prosperity not divisions, violence, chaos and enmity.
And America’s continuous use of the machinery of war and terror is no longer acceptable to any sovereign State like Zimbabwe and with their lives, our people are prepared to defend themselves from such. 
This is the reason Zimbabweans will continue to vote ZANU PF into power, because it is the only political party that is capable of maintaining and preserving the gains of the liberation struggle. When the need arises, it is the only political party whose brave men and women are willing to lay down their lives to defend this nation since they fully understand the country’s ideology.


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