By Abraham Mabvurira
THE greatest thing I have learned is that one has to love his/her mother country no matter what.
Sooner or later we depart this world for the yonder but before we do, we have a duty to our country.
When you die, what would you have done for your family, community, province, country, continent and the world at large?
Every talent possessed can inspire, encourage, motivate, propel and drive a country.
There is no negative which cannot be transformed into a positive.
As a Zimbabwean, you have to work extra hard within your capacity to make Zimbabwe a better country, Africa a better continent and the world a better place to live rather than sabotage everything that is meant to transform and change the lives of the ordinary person.
Sadly, in Zimbabwe, we have a lot of people and organisations working against our country, placing stumbling blocks and hindrances in the way of progress for the sake of money and personal gains — and the leadership of MDC, now CCC, is no exception to this.
Nelson Chamisa and his colleagues are hellbent on making Zimbabwe the worst place to live for money and personal gain.
They are using every resource available to them to make the lives of Zimbabweans hard in an attempt to seize power from the peoples’ revolutionary Party ZANU PF.
With the illegal funds they are receiving from the US and elsewhere, they are manipulating the economy of Zimbabwe, spurring price hikes and inflation as a way to obtain political support and power.
This, however, is not going to succeed because Zimbabweans know the source of their hardships.
Chamisa and his accomplices are using the dirty money from the imperialists not to improve, develop and uplift Zimbabwe but to pull down the economy and livelihoods of Zimbabweans so as to effect illegal regime change.
We know that, we are not fools.
As patriotic Zimbabweans, we are very much aware of the fact that Chamisa has obtained power for the sake of power at the core of his heart, not Zimbabwe and definitely not Zimbabweans.
According to Chamisa and his structureless political party’s evil philosophy, making Zimbabweans suffer rather than improving their lives is the only way to obtain money and political power.
As such, he is using millions of dollars obtained from the regime change cabal to destabilise the socio-economic and political environment of Zimbabwe as a way to win 2023 national elections.
But that is not going to happen.
We are ready to defend our national sovereignty and independence as Zimbabwe. Blood was shed to liberate this country from colonial shackles and we are also willing to risk and sacrifice more blood to protect, preserve and maintain this independence we attained through sacrifice.
As modern day youths of Zimbabwe, we are going to ensure that Zimbabwe is going to remain free and independent of any foreign subjugation and control — our forebears died for the motherland.
No amount of sabotage, intimidation, pressure, sanctions or threats shall ever make us succumb and surrender our hard won independence and sovereignty.
ZANU PF will remain in power for it is the peoples’ political party and movement, nothing shall separate it from the masses.

And as a people who understand the origin, roots and mission of the CCC, we are not afraid of saying that CCC shall never rule this country because it had been already concluded by our forefathers that Zimbabwe shall never be a colony again. Those who are going to vote for CCC in this year’s general elections are doing so out of pure ignorance but the majority of people who know better are definitely going to vote for ZANU PF.
For we know where we came from and where we are going as a country, and we also know the source of our problems and challenges. Therefore, CCC and its American masters stand no chance.
As a patriotic Zimbabwean with a liberated mind, I implore you to distinguish yourself from the CCC mentality of sabotage; instead use your talents, gifts and blessings from God to move Zimbabwe forward and make it great again.
This is our Zimbabwe and this is our country and motherland; play your part and role to make it a better place and country.
President E.D. Mnangagwa is leading by example through the philosophy: ‘Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo/Ilizwe lakhiwa ngabanikazi’.
Let us follow though and make Zimbabwe great again.
The current unjustified price hikes and inflation are purely politically motivated and driven by the power-hungry CCC who are willing to sell their birthright and the independence of Zimbabwe for the sake of political power.
Let us not give them a chance, for we shall prevail and overcome.
Zimbabwe belongs to patriotic Zimbabweans and the future.
Through our own resilience, hard work, effort and sweat, we shall make Zimbabwe great again.
Just like our forebears prevailed during the Second and Third Chimurenga, we are also going to conquer the forces of imperialism now and forever.