HomeOpinionDecolonising the mind: Part Five… Zim’s defensive weaponDecolonising the mind: Part Five

Decolonising the mind: Part Five… Zim’s defensive weaponDecolonising the mind: Part Five

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By Abraham Mabvurira

WE have every reason to be optimistic; we militarily routed the imperialists and regained our independence, but the bigger war is looming large — the war of liberating our minds and removing all colonial residue.

It is heartening to note that we have many conscious young people already engaged in the mission to decolonise minds of their fellow African brothers and sisters.

The message that must be repeated, again and again, is that Zimbabwe will never be a colony again.

Neither shall it be a satellite to any country nor a nation needing massive handholding from any other country with regards to running its internal affairs. 

We are a sovereign nation fortunate enough to still have brave and shrewd leaders who know how best to defend and move the nation forward while preserving what they fought for during the liberation struggle. 

They have not sold out and Zimbabwe has been the bigger beneficiary.

Their exemplary leadership has inspired a crop of youths who have refused to be bought by trinkets from the West.

It makes us an independent nation with vibrant and patriotic youths who are ready to defend and preserve the legacy of the liberation struggle from external and internal agents of illegal regime change. 

It is no longer a secret that the MDC, now CCC, is a whiteman’s political party in bed with treasonous black people who make their living through betraying their kith and kin.

We now see the so-called Western super powers for who they truly are.

America, on the pretext of promoting human rights and democracy, has violated international law and committed horrible crimes against humanity and has, therefore, no moral standing to lecture any sovereign nation on human rights and democracy.

The US must be held accountable for the various war crimes and horrible atrocities it has committed in countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Somalia, among many others. 

The imposition and maintenance of illegal economic sanctions on Zimbabwe add to such countless crimes against humanity. 

It is now common knowledge among the youth with a decolonised mind that America and it’s Western allies have always, from time immemorial, been working to under-develop African States through exploitation of our people, eliminating our visionary leaders, such as Muammar Gaddafi, Thomas Sankara and Kwame Nkrumah, among many others, through manufacturing violence, seeding conflicts, financing terrorism as well as fomenting divisions, hatred and civil wars so as to take advantage of the chaos to loot our precious natural resources. 

It has also come to our understanding as awakened young people of this country that Uncle Sam and allies feel threatened by the bravery and fearlessness character of our revolutionary leaders hence replacing them with puppets makes them feel safe and secure.

And separating the youths from the older generation through demonising all African revolutionary leaders who possess valid liberation war credentials is a way that has always been applied by former imperialists to strip African States of their brave, shrewd, prudent and patriotic political leaders and replace them with milksop puppets who dance to the Western tune. 

Nevertheless, it is also our conviction that: Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo/Ilizwe lakhiwa ngabanikazi, and not a single puppet or any American proxy whose only perceived strength is speaking the coloniser’s language will be allowed by the spirit of Nehanda, Kaguvi and Lobengula to lead the brave men and patriotic women of Zimbabwe.

The truth shall move the electorate into voting for the right candidate in the impending polls. 

From consulting history or the descendants of Chaminuka, Chingaira Makoni and Tshaka, among a host of others, the undeniable truth that confronts us is that: Nyika inotongwa nemagandanga (revolutionaries) — no liberated mind can dispute this veritable fact.

Standing up against the bullying tactics of the US is not for the faint-hearted. 

It is again no secret that CCC members are itching for violence and are fomenting it to put Zimbabwe under the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. 

But Zimbabweans will not be fooled!

The Second Republic has worked so hard that it needs not a single iota of violence for it to be felt, its brilliant works are speaking for it.

The ruling Zanu PF cannot countenance any acts of violence, for it is fully aware that violence does not take the nation to vision 2030 and only works to promote the interests of Uncle Sam and allies.

As awakened youths of Zimbabwe, it is also our responsibility and duty to straighten wayward and rebellious youths through enlightening and awakening them to the truth, while also reminding them that politics is no drama hence stage managing abductions and ugly scenes of violence has it’s place in the theatre, not in real politics. This country is founded on nationalism and patriotism, forged in blood and the ultimate sacrifice of our liberation heroes and heroines. 

And forming and sponsoring an imperialist opposition party in any of the African States is an unacceptable and abhorrent idea which demeans and belittles us as black people, an utter insult to the African intellect.

Taking into consideration the violent nature of CCC, if the same violent opposition party were to be formed in the US to destabilise that country, hinder peace and progress would not that be taken as terrorism, treason and espionage? 

No other country, with the exception of the US and its NATO allies, can ever dream of doing that because we respect the rule of law and we always seek peace with every nation. 

Nyika inotongwa nevene yavo.  

We are the undisputed owners of this beautiful land, Zimbabwe, and we are its defenders, builders and rulers.


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