HomeOpinionDecolonising the mind: Part Six‘…no to Western propaganda and lies’

Decolonising the mind: Part Six‘…no to Western propaganda and lies’

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By Abraham Mabvurira 

EVERY recipient of European education who has studied African history, juxtaposed with European history, knows very well how African warriors, like Tshaka and many others, are portrayed as villains whereas Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Napoleon Bonaparte, among others, are portrayed as heroes. 

Since both African and European history was written by our ‘conquerors’ – the racist white perpetrators — it was deliberately doctored to promote a white supremacist worldview as opposed to a sense of inferiority among black people. 

In simple terms, African heroes and heroines are criticised and mocked as ‘ruthless and cruel incompetent leaders’ while European heroes and heroines are showered with praise and acclamation. This has caused self-hatred among many recipients of European education, a sad situation where people get to hate their own past, culture, traditions and identity. 

The brainwashing does not end there; even today Western propaganda casts our leaders as villains and scoundrels. 

Through Western propaganda, a lot of people are being misled and deceived into believing that the same revolutionary leaders in Africa who unflinchingly fought for the independence of their respective African States are today totalitarians, tyrants, dictators, oppressors, and all other negative words that make them appear incompetent, evil and inhuman. 

The classic example is Zimbabwe, a country where its leaders are being labelled all sorts of names; the intention being to alienate the people from their leadership and destroy a people’s movement and a people’s party ZANU PF. 

And once that happens, this would leave Zimbabwe and Zimbabweans without a history to be proud of since the revolutionary party is inseparable from the history of the Second Chimurenga. 

Not only that, being divorced from ZANU PF would leave us with no heroes and heroines to celebrate, since those whom we should be honouring and celebrating belong to the revolutionary party ZANU PF, a formidable political organisation which the lurking forces of neo-colonialism and regime change cabals seek to disconnect from the people. 

However, by decolonising the minds of our fellow countrymen who are already victims of Western propaganda and lies, ZANU PF shall remain the Party of the people and a Party of choice. 

For it is well understood that without ZANU PF, Zimbabwe is severed from it’s glorious history, and without the revolutionary Party Zimbabwe lacks an ideological ground on which we can build a Great Zimbabwe. 

Alienation from ZANU PF is no different from being made to hate our own history, heritage and future. 

Therefore, through introducing the victims of Western propaganda to the truth which shall liberate their colonised minds, we shall relentlessly resist the diabolical forces of regime change, for their intention is to alienate the masses from the people’s movement ZANU PF. 

The desire and aim of Western propaganda and lies is to see us, the younger generation, turning against our brave heroes and heroines who successfully fought for our independence, and distance ourselves from our glorious history and past which gives us identity. 

Just like how a tree without roots cannot grow tall and strong, it is also our understanding that Zimbabwe is not strong enough to achieve social, economic and political growth if we continue to allow ourselves to be disconnected from our history which is so significant in shaping the future. 

It is the active citizens of a particular nation that make history since history cannot be birthed in a vacuum without specific figures or characters who are actively involved in its making and subsequently become part of that history and therefore inseparable from it. 

So, in a sense, we cannot talk of Zimbabwean history without mentioning the likes of the late comrades Joshua Nkomo, Josiah Tongogara, Jason Moyo, Hebert Chitepo and Robert Mugabe, among many others, due to the active roles they played during the Second Chimurenga. 

There is no way one can admire and feel proud of our awe inspiring history if one’s mind is brainwashed into hating our history

Ironically, while we are being made to hate our own liberation war heroes and heroines by the US and her Western allies through propaganda, it is surprising how, in the US, they celebrate all their so-called heroes and heroines of the Second World War and their war-mongering presidents. 

Regardless of the horrible crimes and atrocities committed by their worst administrations throughout the world, American presidents and war veterans are greatly honoured, respected and celebrated. 

Why then are we being made to hate our own statesmen and war veterans who fought for the common good of Zimbabwe and Africa? 

How can we be so gullible to allow Western propaganda to wedge a division between the younger and the older generation of warriors and patriots? 

Now is the time to decolonise the mind and awake those who have been asleep under the clouds of Western propaganda and lies. 

For with a colonised, brainwashed and negative mindset that is so prevalent among the younger generation of ours, our journey to Vision 2030 is going to be thorny and arduous.


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