WE, in the village, take pride in ownership.
To say uyu musha waJari, idzo imombe dzaJoromiyo, uyo munda watete Jenny, emboldens us, identifies us.
We are happy that our kith and kin in urban centres have received, and more will get, title deeds to their properties.
The Second Republic is debunking several stereotypes regarding Africa.
Some of the stereotypical images are that Africa is full of corruption, that it cannot develop; that it is run by dictators and tyrants whose alleged incompetence is legendary; that Africa is a dark and wild continent peopled by savages in need of senior white brothers and sisters to redeem them from their backwardness.
But Zimbabwe is marching forward under the visionary leadership of President Emmerson Mnangagwa.
Undoubtedly, the most basic quality of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. And the best way to understand people is to listen to them.
And in the new dispensation our listening leadership has shown that words have no meaning – people have meaning.
Naturally we all want to talk, but so few wish to listen and when you are not listening you are not learning, when you are not listening you are preventing opportunity.
We have been through the worst economic experience ever, but at the end of it all we are the only African State that has thrived without the help of the so-called ‘superpower countries’.
We have been through the worst, but we are back on track. As a people, we must, as a matter of urgency, cultivate an attitude of gratitude.
Through gratitude we will experience many positive changes.
Being constantly aware of our many blessings, and feeling grateful for them, will have a huge impact on the quality of our life.
When one is filled with appreciation, it quite literally changes the dynamics of their reality; there is a direct correlation between appreciation and success.
Imagine what we could all achieve if we appreciated ourselves as a nation, our high intellectual capacity, our resourcefulness and capable leadership.
The delivery of title deeds to our compatriots in towns around the country must be understood in the context of the need to fulfill the aspirations of the liberation struggle.
The country has been implementing indigenisation and economic empowerment programmes designed to give Zimbabweans total and unmitigated control of their country’s economy and resources.
These programmes, now and forever define our independence.
Zimbabweans need Zimbabwe neupfumi hwayo hose. Title deeds are important and a game changer that will further propel the development agenda.
The appetite to own and control our resources continues to grow by the day for the people of Zimbabwe ably supported by our visionary leadership.
Economic growth is the ultimate goal. No-one and no place is being left behind, everyone is benefitting, and will benefit, from economic empowerment programmes.
For our empowerment programmes to be successful, it is an exercise involving more than acquiring stakes in companies but also social improvements.
Title deeds are a leverage that will help steer the economy to greater heights. Lack of confidence and insistence by the West that they are needed for the success of the economy has seen some locals becoming skeptical and doubting their ability to totally control the economy. But everyday we are being shown that we can, on our own.
This is not the time for political slander. It is time to mould the history that we have already and appreciate the effort and lives lost so that we enjoy the independence we have today.
As a nation we have not accepted economic or social models imposed by Western experts who are fallible after all and we must continue on that trajectory.
ESAP damaged African economies and undermined national building projects all over Africa.
We should define our economic direction based on the concrete conditions on the ground and in line with our interests.
A lot of noise about the incompetence of African governments has been made by Western countries!
Ironically the same countries are today attempting to come to terms with the implications of their own short sightedness and incompetence on economic matters.
Clearly, the neo-liberal dogma which sought to reduce the role of the State to the barest minimum in favour of the tyranny of the multi-national corporations has run out of steam.
African governments should not hesitate to re-locate the State at the centre of our economies, more so when China has done very well by relying more on the State in planning and managing its economy.
One cannot celebrate being African, being Zimbabwean without title to his/her property, which he/she worked hard to build.
Property breathes wealth, breathes belonging, breathes being Zimbabwean.
Let us believe in Zimbabwe and everything Zimbabwean.
After all, Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo/Ilizwe liyakhwa ngabanikazi balo.