Of Goodluck Jonathan and Rev. Nevers Mumba


By Nthungo YaAfrika

ZIMBABWE’s August 23 2023 harmonised general election produced the above headline describing two brothers; one who shows that the motherland still has people who can no longer be influenced, controlled, pushed around and say what the colonialist wants to hear.

The headline also shows that we still have some, among us, who believe that what the ‘colonialist’ says is always right and must not be disputed even if it is to their own spiritual peril. They are no different from the likes of Mobutu Sese Seko and Moise Tshombe of Congo who spearheaded the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, the first Prime Minister of Congo, on  January 17 1961 at the behest of Belgium, the US and the West. 

When Tshombe was no longer useful, he was exiled to Algeria where some say he died a natural death while others say he was thrown out from a plane.

From the 1960s-1990s, any traitor south of the Sahara was nicknamed a Tshombe. 

As for Mobutu, he died a disgrace and his palace is now inhabited by wild animals.

Rev Dr Nevers Mumba, the ugly Zambian Christian pastor’s utterances that Zimbabwe elections were not up to SADC standards would have been believed by all and sundry had the good, Goodluck Jonathan, former President of Nigeria, and another official of the Angolan Observer Mission not opened up about how they were approached to tarnish the electoral process in Zimbabwe by Western powers. 

Goodluck Jonathan, former President of Nigeria, reading a report of The Zimbabwe 2023 harmonised elections.

Is it surprising that a reverend, like Nevers Mumba, can be coerced or simply be paid to lie? 

This is going against the meaning of reverend. 

To those who know their scriptures, this is not surprising because even in Yeshua’s time, religious leaders were hypocrites and liars, which culminated in the crucifixion of Yeshua by the Romans. 

This also reminds me of the Good Samaritan story in the Tambou’s (white savages’) corrupted Bible, which they blasphemously call Holy which is in Luke 10:25-37. 

This story shows us that not all men of cloth are compassionate. 

Mumba’s report on elections in Zimbabwe also reminds me of MPs of Imran Khan’s party in Pakistan who were bought to vote against him by Western powers so that he lost the party’s leadership in a no confidence vote instigated by them.

Pakistani politics has been in a crisis for over a year, with ex-PM Khan being at the center of it.

How many Nahasi (black) Christian reverends and prophets have the courage to read and preach the whole Book of Enoch and explain to their congregants why the white savages label it ‘Apocrypha’. 

The few who prophesy courage never touch Chapters 5,6,7,8,9 and10 as these describe their origin which is not amusing. 

Zimbabwe has been under sanctions since 2000 and it should have been a failed State by now if it were not for God Murenga and Goddess Mbuya Nehanda’s spirits residing in the Great Zimbabwe Enclosure, the holiest place on earth. 

The colonialists called Murenga these names: the High God, the High Spirit, Mlimo, Mwari and God of the Matobo Hills and yet the Nahasi (blacks)  Christians in Zimbabwe associate him with demons — what a contrast! 

These two led Zimbabwean freedom fighters in the fight against the colonialists who were supported by the Tambou (white savages) world. 

Mumba is not spitting at the Zimbabwean Government but the Positive Spiritual World of god Murenga and goddess Mbuya Nehanda. 

These were known in antiquity before the Tambous were created and are still active; their reaction is not physical but spiritual as time will tell whether the reverend will repent and say the truth like what Judas Iscariot did.

Before 1884, the country now called Zambia was under the radar of King Mwenemutapa based in the Zimbabwe Enclosure. 

The utterances of Mumba also reminds me of Tshaka’s brothers who assassinated him and before he died told them that they will never conquer the Boers because of their treachery. 

The story of Mumba shows the glaring shortcomings from the OAU formation to the current AU. 

The founding fathers failed to unite the motherland in 1963 because of interference from the white savages. Today, 60 years later, that interference is still there.

Zambia has AFRICOM offices for intelligence gathering, on its territory, to police SADC, especially Zimbabwe, a country the West hates because it reclaimed it’s land back; a feat never done before

It’s a miracle that, with crippling sanctions, Zimbabwe can still successfully hold free, fair and well-organised elections observed by all, including enemies of the countries seeking regime change.

All that the Tambous amassed all over the world was through dishonesty and thuggery.

This dishonesty and thuggery developed when Yahweh made them to dwell far away from other races because of their origin so that they could not contaminate other races. 

Their original dwelling place was called the Eurasian Steppes and this is how it is described by Cheik Anta Diop in his books: ‘’The steppes were evidently the epidemiological cauldron that also spawned smallpox, measles, typhus and venereal syphilis. The ferocity of nature in the Eurasian Steppes, the barrenness of those regions, the overall circumstances of material conditions were to create instincts necessary for survival in such an environment. Here, nature left no illusion of kindliness: It was implacable and permitted no negligence; man must obtain his bread by the sweat of his brow. (This the Tambous inserted in our ancestors Holy Scriptures when they corrupted them and this is found in Genesis 3 verse 19).

Historically, those European nationalities that have committed the most horrendous atrocities against other human beings have hailed from this region. Most belong to the Anglo Saxons, Germans, the Dutch, the northern French and the Spanish Aristocracy. All people of this area, whether white or yellow, intimately love to conquer, because of their desire to escape from those hostile surroundings. The milieu chased them away; they had to leave it or succumb or try to conquer a place in the sun in a more clement nature. Invasions would not cease once an initial contact with the black world to the south had brought them to the existence of the land where the living was easy, riches abundant and technique flourishing.’’

Mumba must read Leviticus 6: 1-5 and show it to the Tambous for them to immediately pay reparations to the motherland. 

While the Carter Institute of Democracy is poking its nose in this part of the world, Donald Trump is making fun of American democracy institutions.  

Mumba must go to the US to help them sort out their democratic institutions which are in a mess. 

Religion is a creation of men and not from Yahweh because religion has never brought peace to human beings and I doubt if the Dr Reverend knows this. 

All those cheering the Dr Reverend must know that Zimbabwe’s sanctions will only be lifted if the Government reverts to the pre-land reform year of 2000 and this will affect many of our brethren in rural and urban centres, ruling and opposition parties, no one will be spared. 

The Dr Reverend must abandon Christianity and convert to the Way of Yahweh (Acts 9:2) which encourages one not to be in relation with self but to be in good relationship with Yahweh, unlike Christianity which is the way of the Tambous (white savages) which has wreaked havoc on the motherland since 84 BC to date, a total of 2107 years and still counting. 

Read King Leopold’s letter to Belgium missionaries in 1884. Christianity has made our race behave in a savage manner towards one another since it became our main religion. 

We, as a race, must embrace the image of Yahweh, which is what the way of Yahweh is about; in a nutshell, self-knowledge that encourages one to have a good relationship with Yahweh and his/her neighbour.

The race you are dealing with Dr Reverend Mumba has no permanent friends but interests.  

Many have fallen by the way side and been abandoned after being used.

It is a shame that some sisters and brothers are willing to be used to bring back our erstwhile enemies.

We are living in exciting times where men of cloth are shying from the teachings of Yeshua but embracing the philosophy of ‘I, Me and Myself’’, which even the devil does not allow in his kingdom.

Yahweh bless the good Goodluck Jonathan and the Angolan observer for exposing the West for what it is when it comes to elections in the motherland.



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