HomeOpinionOf wise Nahasians …stories that can liberate our race

Of wise Nahasians …stories that can liberate our race

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By Nthungo YaAfrika

BELOW are our stories that made Lord Macaulay to say, before the end of his speech to the British Parliament in 1835: “And they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation.”

King Leopold II of Belgium’s letter to the missionaries headed for Africa in 1883 was a knockout punch. 

It said: “Evangelise the niggers so that they stay forever in submission to the white colonialists so they never revolt against the restraints.”

These stories, 66 years after Ghana got independent, are barely known by most of our academics, politicians and the general populace.

This has led us to be followers and not initiators.

The poorest race, despite being the richest on planet earth, solely by being lovers and stewards of three Western evils of religion, education and politics.

The stories start with Sabaism ancient religion, Islam, leadership, education, science, insults and a people who refused to be cowered.

For the past 66 years, we are a people who do not know how blessed we are, as we are busy ‘unblessing’ ourselves.

We have been turned into a race that loves ‘human rights’ instead of Yahweh’s rights, culminating in our current dilemma.

We are being led by the blind white race.

This is what the corrupted Word of Yahweh, now called the Holy Bible, says about following blind guides in Matthew 15: Verse 14: “Let them be, blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into the pit.”

Into a pit we are now and have become the scum of humanity despite calling ourselves ‘modern’.

And what is modern, if a race does not know why it is called scum of humanity?

The answer is ignorance.

There is no future and respect without knowledge of the past.

Without knowledge of the past, our present has become unbearable and toxic; a dog-eat-dog affair.

I now welcome you to my humble research about our race, the foundation of the human race. 

Al Hirj: Verse 26 says: “Verily we created man of potter’s clay mud altered.”

According to Cheik Anta Diop in ‘The Cultural Unity of Black Africa’: “The only Triad that was worshipped was that of Venus-Sun-Moon, as in Babylon; religion had a very marked sidereal character, especially a solar one; prayers were offered to the sun at different moments in its course. 

There was neither idolatry nor images nor priesthood. 

Invocations were made direct to the seven planets. The 30-day fast already existed — similar to that practiced in Egypt — and seven times a day prayers were offered with faces turned to the north. 

These prayers are allied to those of the Mohammedan religion. 

All the elements necessary to the birth of Islam were thus present more than 1 000 years before the birth of Mohammed, and Islam appears as a ‘purging’ Sabaism by ‘God’s messenger’.”

Islam is always associated with Arabia, but very little is said about who ruled southern Arabia.

According to Cheik Anta Diop: “Until the birth of Mohammed, southern Arabia was inseparable from Ethiopia, their historical destiny was the same and the sovereignty of Ethiopia over Arabia was scarcely interrupted except from time to time; this can be affirmed by a verse of the Koran titled ‘The Elephants’. 

Mohammed relates how the Ethiopian army, which was sent from Africa to suppress a revolt by the Yemenite Arabs against the Ethiopian  Governor Abraha, was destroyed by the ‘Messengers of Heaven’, though it was 40 000 men strong. 

Each soldier was hit at the top of his helmet by a miraculous missile which went through and through him. 

It is commonly supposed that the Ethiopian army must have been destroyed by a sandstorm or an epidemic of plague which had broken en-route.”

Below are men of colour, Nahasians (black Africans) who contributed to the growth of Islam, to become what it is today.

Luqman the slave was the first great fabulist and wisest man of the ancient East. In Islam his fame is equivalent to Solomon’s.

He was quoted by Prophet Mohammed and named the 31st chapter of the Koran after him.

Arabs say he lived about 1100 BC and was coal black Ethiopian, with woolly hair, was a son of Baura, who was a son or grandson of the sister of Job.

These are his sayings: “It would be a great pity to prostitute lessons of wisdom to rascals incapable of understanding and appreciating them: there is no file that can clean iron of its rust after rust has eaten through.” 

When asked how he came to possess such wisdom, Luqman replied: “It is in seeing the actions of vicious and wicked people and comparing them with what my conscience tells me, regarding such actions, that I have learnt what I ought to do. 

“The wise and prudent man will draw a useful lesson even from poison itself, whilst the precepts of the wisest man mean nothing to the thoughtless.”

Given a bitter lemon by his master (owner), Luqman ate it with apparent relish.

Luqman the wise despicted as a whiteman.

Astonished at his act of obedience, the master asked him how he had been able to eat such a distasteful fruit. 

Luqman replied: “I have received so often of your kindness that it is not astonishing I have eaten the single bitter fruit that you have given me in my life.”

His master, touched by his reply, set him free.

Luqman said: “A drop of water escaping from a cloud was falling into the sea. 

Ashamed and confused in seeing itself about to be lost in that immensity it said; ‘What am I in comparison with this vast ocean. Certainly my existence is less than nothing in this abyss without limit’.” 

But as it dropped into the ocean it was swallowed by an oyster and in time it became a magnificent pearl. 

The oyster was caught and the pearl was found and sold to a great king who wore it at the centre of the crown, where, on State occasions it’s beauty held the attention of the noblest in the land.

To illustrate that some people are deaf to all appeals save those involving their own interests, Luqman related the following fable: 

“A blacksmith had a dog that slept soundly while he was hammering on the forge, but as soon as he began eating the dog awoke. 

The master said, ‘Ohh wicked dog, why does the sound of the hammer whose noise shakes the earth not trouble your sleep while the little noise I make in eating does?’”

According to tradition, David, King of Israel, wished to name him heir but Luqman refused, preferring to be known as a simple hakim, or a wise man.

That Luqmanserved as a model for all the fabulists who came after him is incontestable.

Luqman was from the interior of Africa, captured and sold to coastal blacks during the reign of David and Solomon.

He has over 10 000 parables.

The wisdom of Luqman is regarded by Moslems as a point in belief, the more incontestable as is founded upon the witness of the book of their religion.

The 31st chapter of the Koran is titled ‘Surat Luqman’ (Chapter of Luqman) and the 11th Verse of this chapter Mohammed makes God speak these words: “And 

certainly we bestowed the gift of wisdom on Luqman.” 

Mohammed used Lokman in support of his teachings, which has increased Lokman’s fame to such an extent in the Mohammedan world, that some Moslems writers call Lokman ‘saint and prophet’.

Then there was Antar, a great poet and soldier of the East. 

The most renowned warriors among the Greeks was Achilles and the greatest poet was Homer.

Antar is the Achilles and the Homer of the East combined.

What Roland is to the French, what Siegfried is to the Germans, what St George is to the English, Antar is to the billions in the Moslem world.

In the literature of the East, he is known as ‘Abul Fouaris’ (The father of heroes).

He was born of a slave mother in the midst of all proud peoples – the Bedouins, horsemen and plunderers of the desert, who pride themselves to this day on the purity of their descent from Ishmael son of Abraham and Hagar, and of their Arabian horses.

One of Antar’s poem was accorded the highest honour possible to a Moslem writer – it was hung up at the entrance to the great temple at Mecca.

There were only six other poems so honoured.

These seven poems are known as ‘Moullakat’.

Mohammed, who lived at that time, declared that Antar was the only Bedouin he ever admired.

Antar’s finest poems extolled the black skin: “In blackness there is great virtue, if you will but observe it’s beauty….. black ambergris has the purest fragrance.”

Al-Jahiz, Lord of the Golden Age of Arab literature (AD 778-866) was another great Nahasi.

The most genial writer of the age, if not Arabic literature, and founder of Arab prose style.

He was the grandson of a black slave, Amr ben Bahr known as Al Jahiz. 

Al Jahiz, a blackman, the father of evolution theory who had the idea of evolution 1 000 years before Charles Darwin.

Al-Jahiz, says Christopher Dawson, was the greatest scholar and stylist of the 9th Century.

Al-Jahiz was one of the most productive and frequently quoted in Arabic literature.

Al-Jahiz was a very dark negro.

Born at Basra in Asia Minor, he studied philosophy and science under the noted Mutazlite teacher an-Nassam.

He founded his own school of thought known as Jahizite. 

He accommodated everyone and was also on friendly terms with members of fanatical religious sects, who normally would have treated him as a heretic.

His masterpiece is the ‘Book of Animals‘ in seven volumes. 

His other works are: ‘The Merit of the Turks’, ‘In Praise of Merchants’ and ‘Dispraise of Officials’, ‘The Superiority of Speech to Silence’, ‘The Superiority in Glory of The Black Race Over the White’ and the ‘Book of Eloquence and Rheotic’.

The white race obliterated our history to successfully and fully dominate us.

Nthungo YaAfrika, aka J.L. Mtembo, is a Hamite who strongly believes in the motherland renaissance. For views and comments, email: [email protected]


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