By Shephard Majengeta

ZIMBABWE’S rich history is a testament to the enduring spirit and resilience of its people. From the ancient ruins of Great Zimbabwe to the valorous deeds of King Lobengula and the patriotic sacrifices of the Chinhoyi Seven, the nation’s legacy is built on a foundation of selfless service and unwavering patriotism.

In this vein, President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s recent visit to South Korea represents a significant stride towards rejuvenating Zimbabwe’s economy and securing its place on the global stage through strategic alliances such as the BRICS grouping.

Zimbabwe’s history is replete with instances of its people asserting their identity and striving for sovereignty.

The historical sites of Luswingo, Nalatale and Khami, along with the storied figures of Mbuya Nehanda and the Crocodile Gang, underscore a legacy of resilience and an unwavering quest for self-determination.

This spirit of defiance and ambition was evident during the liberation struggle, where Zimbabweans took the initiative to liberate themselves, receiving support from allies who believed in their cause. This historical backdrop sets the stage for understanding the significance of President Mnangagwa’s diplomatic endeavours.

President Mnangagwa’s visit to South Korea marks a pivotal moment in Zimbabwe’s quest for economic rejuvenation.

South Korea, a country that has transformed from a war-torn nation to a global economic powerhouse within a few decades, offers valuable lessons and potential partnerships for Zimbabwe.

The South Korean model of development, characterised by rapid industrialisation, technological innovation and a robust export-driven economy, aligns with Zimbabwe’s aspirations for economic revival.

During his visit, President Mnangagwa engaged with South Korean leaders and business executives, exploring avenues for co-operation in key sectors such as technology, manufacturing, and infrastructure development.

South Korea’s expertise in these areas presents an opportunity for Zimbabwe to modernise its economy, create jobs and enhance its competitiveness in the global market. By forging strategic partnerships with South Korean companies, Zimbabwe can leverage advanced technologies and best practices to drive industrial growth and sustainable development.

Beyond bilateral engagements with South Korea, President Mnangagwa’s diplomatic efforts are geared towards integrating Zimbabwe into the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) grouping.

His emissary, Defence Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, was in Vladivostok, Russia for a meeting of BRICS and partner countries.

“Zimbabwe…has strong conviction in BRICS potential to counterbalance Western powers’ dominance by challenging their unilateral decision-making and promoting a more balanced global landscape. Zimbabwe, therefore, stands ready to join this progressive group which will offer an alternative conducive environment to trade freely with other nations not worrying over who is watching or impeding us,” said Minister Muchinguri-Kashiri.

Joining the BRICS presents a promising alternative to the traditional Western-dominated economic order, offering Zimbabwe a conducive environment to trade freely and diversify its economic partnerships.

The BRICS nations collectively represent a significant portion of the global economy, characterised by their rapid economic growth and increasing influence in international affairs. For Zimbabwe, BRICS membership offers several strategic advantages:

By engaging with BRICS, Zimbabwe can diversify its economic partners, reducing its reliance on traditional Western markets. This diversification is crucial for mitigating risks associated with geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainties in the West.

BRICS countries, particularly China and India, have substantial financial resources and investment capabilities. Through the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB), Zimbabwe can access funding for critical infrastructure projects, fostering economic growth and development.

Collaboration with the BRICS countries can facilitate the transfer of advanced technologies and innovations to Zimbabwe. This can enhance the country’s technological capabilities, driving productivity and competitiveness in key sectors such as agriculture, mining and manufacturing.

BRICS membership can open up new markets for Zimbabwean products, promoting exports and boosting foreign exchange earnings. The establishment of preferential trade agreements within the BRICS framework can further enhance Zimbabwe’s trade prospects.

To capitalise on the opportunities presented by South Korea and BRICS, Zimbabwe must focus on several key areas to revitalise its economy:

The country has already embarked on infrastructure development and it must scale up projects.

Robust infrastructure is the backbone of economic growth. Zimbabwe must prioritise the development of transport, energy and telecommunications infrastructure to support rapid industrialisation. Strategic partnerships with South Korea and BRICS countries can provide the necessary expertise and funding for these projects.

Reviving Zimbabwe’s manufacturing sector is crucial for creating jobs and reducing dependency on imports.

By leveraging South Korean expertise in manufacturing and tapping into the BRICS markets, Zimbabwe can establish a competitive industrial base, producing goods for both domestic and international markets.

Agriculture remains a vital sector for Zimbabwe’s economy. Modernising agricultural practices through the adoption of advanced technologies, irrigation systems and sustainable farming methods can enhance productivity and food security.

Collaboration with South Korea and the BRICS countries can facilitate the transfer of agricultural technologies and expertise.

Investing in education and skills development is essential for building a competitive workforce. Zimbabwe must focus on enhancing its education system, promoting technical and vocational training and fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Partnerships with South Korean institutions and BRICS educational initiatives can support these efforts.

President Mnangagwa’s visit to South Korea and the pursuit of BRICS membership are strategic moves representing a shift towards economic revival, diversification and global integration. By leveraging the opportunities presented by South Korea’s development model and the BRICS alternative, Zimbabwe is charting a path towards sustainable growth, prosperity and self-reliance.

In this journey, it is imperative for Zimbabweans to embrace their rich history, cultural heritage, and the limitless potential of their natural and human resources.

The legacy of resilience and patriotism that has defined Zimbabwe’s past will undoubtedly continue to guide its path to economic renaissance and global prominence.


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