Religion and education setting us back …impediments to the ‘Unity Project’


By Nthungo YaAfrika

THE founding fathers have been declared the best our motherland has ever produced, yet they failed to unite the motherland in 1963 and 1965. 

This is my post mortem why this was so; and if we continue to worship the whiteman and not the Creator it will be so until the end of the world, if  that will ever come. 

The founding fathers were intimidated by the whiteman’s religion and education systems as we are 66 years after Ghana got independent. 

After the execution of all physical and spiritual leaders, our race became physically and spiritually leaderless and this void was filled by the Greeks and Romans who were directly taught by our ancestors. 

They denigrated anything that had to do with our ancestors, especially to generations that never knew anything about how physically and spiritually great their ancestors were. 

The finale was the motherland’s partition in 1884 and 139 years later, in 2023, nothing has changed because books that could have enlightened us have been apocryphaed by the whiteman’s churches our race belongs to and, surprisingly, also by African independent denominations.

Nothing, and absolutely nothing, must be said against the Bible, a book ‘inspired’ by the Creator, using the white people whom our ancestors called savages.

This is the brief history of the race most of us revere and think are messengers of the Creator. 

Remulf Higden (pictured), a Benedictine monk who mapped the world about 1350, claimed that Africa contained one eyed people who used their feet to cover their heads. 

Other geographers claimed that the continent had people with one leg, three faces and lion heads. 

In 1459, an Italian Monk Fra Mauro, declared that Africa was the home of the roc, a bird so large that it could carry an elephant through the air. 

Was this utter ignorance or a deliberate move to paint a very wrong picture of Africa and its people.

The above happened in the Middle Ages, which were called Dark Ages, which began in 476 AD, spanning 1 000 years and ending between 1400 and 1450. 

This happened because Emperor Theodius had banned Egyptian African religion in the 4th Century and it was followed by Emperor Justian ban’s in the 6th Century. The result was academic and intellectual darkness in Europe. 

The banning of Egyptian/African religion created ignorance in Europe that no other race has experienced since creation. This culminated in lack of  knowledge about Africa with the Europeans not in a position to know whether Africa had giant birds or one-eyed people.

And for those who wanted to sail down the West African coast, there were stories that as soon as one passed the Canary Islands, one would be in a sea called Mare Tenebroso, the Sea of Darkness.

In the Medieval imagination, writes Peter Forbath: “… this was a region of utter most dread …. where the heavens fling down liquid sheets of flame and the waters boil …. where the serpent, rocs on Ogre island lie in wait for the mariner, where the giant hand of Satan reaches up from the fathomless depths to seize him,  then make a mark on his face and body, marks of God of vengeance for the insolence of his prying into the forbidden mystery.  And even if he should be able to survive all these ghastly perils and  sail on through, he would then arrive in the Sea of Obscurity and be lost forever in the vapours and slime at the edge of the world.”

This is just a brief of how ignorant and superstitious the race that most of our people think is the custodian of the Word of the Creator was in the Dark and Middle Ages. 

Despite their ignorance, the Portuguese and Spaniards became great mariners in the 15th and 16th Centuries, sailing the world guided by the knowledge they got from Egyptian/African mysteries priests’ books.

In I760 AD, a mere 300 years  from the Dark Ages, Great Britain and Ireland created what is called the Industrial Revolution and 100 years later in 1865 America also created another Industrial Revolution. 

Where did this wisdom suddenly come from? 

The answer comes from the descendants of the Egyptian/African priests who were trained in economics, civics, law, government, statistics, census taking, navigation, ship building, military science, the manufacture of chariots and horse breeding. 

They managed to decode, under duress, their ancestors’ scientific and philosophical  books to the advantage of the white savages and to their race’s detriment.  

Now, if the founding fathers had this kind of information and knowledge would they have failed to unite the motherland? 

The answer is no. 

Ignorance about the history of the motherland was rife among the founding fathers’ unity project as it is rife today among the 1,4 billion brethren of our race. 

This literally means the love of Western religion and education is making our race more ignorant about ourselves than the white people of the Dark Ages. 

Concerning who God was in  the antiquity era of our ancestors, G.M. James in the ‘Stolen Legacy’ writes: ‘’According to Diodorus and Manetho the High Priest in Egypt two columns were found at Nysa Arabia; one of the Goddess Isis and the other of the God Osiris.”

Here in Zimbabwe, the colonialists, in the 19th Century called Murenga the god of Matopo (The Forgotten Heroes of the First Chimurenga by Aeneas Chigwedere). But this is taken in bad taste by Christians who, even today, think God is the other name of the Creator. 

In antiquity times Mbuya Nehanda is a goddess and Murenga a god.

In the Stolen legacy, God is defined as: “…one who has freed her/his self from the prison of the body in which the soul is confined and the practice of virtue and wisdom makes one like a God even while on earth. Life is perpetual, death is another form of life. In the Book of Enoch the Creator says human beings were created like Angels who should have never died and death came because of lack of wisdom and virtue. Wisdom wanted to dwell amongst the people but it found no takers and went back to Heaven. Iniquity went out of her room and found whom she did not expect. And she dwelt with them like rain in a desert, like dew on a thirsty land’’.

Western religion and education systems gave birth to capitalism and because the founding fathers were nurtured by these, it is not surprising that the ‘Unity Project’ would die a still birth. 

In the words of the late Julius Nyerere: “Once you multiply national anthems, flags and national passports, seats on the UN and individuals entitled to 21 gun salute, not to speak of a host of Ministers and Envoys, you would have a whole army of powerful people with vested interests in keeping Africa balkanised. This is what Nkrumah encountered in 1965. After the failure to establish the union government at the Accra Summit, I heard one Head of State express with relief that he was happy to be returning home to his country, still a Head of State. This is my plea to the new generation of African leaders and African peoples: Work for unity with the firm conviction that, without unity, there is no future for Africa. That is, of course,  assuming that we still want to have a place under the sun.’’

We still have a long way to go with regards to uniting and our former slave masters and colonisers are aware of this. 

Bob Marley, who sang ‘Africa Unite’ must be turning in his grave.

This is what the Tambous’ corrupted Bible says about capitalism in Ezekiel 7 :19:  ‘’ They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will become abhorrent to them. Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them on the day of Jehovah’s fury. They will not be satisfied, nor will they fill their stomachs, for it has become a stumbling block causing their error.’’ 

Africa Unite!



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