By Nthungo YaAfrika

WE have been led to believe that anything about us is not divine, yet the opposite is true. 

The divinity of our race is even scorned upon by everyone, including the majority of our race. 

This is not surprising because our race has been re-packaged to behave the way the Tambous want. The book by J. A. Rogers, World’s Greatest Men of Colour, says it all. All those mentioned are not interested in trying to cross the great divide that separates the living from the dead. African kingdoms and their heroes and heroines are mentioned except one kingdom — the Mwenemutapa Kingdom. 

I do not blame Rodgers for not writing about this kingdom because the information he gathered and used is what was at his disposal at the time. The Tambous are not comfortable about the Mwenemutapa Kingdom because it was, and still is, a pain in their backside. The information about the Mwenemutapa Kingdom concerns our race and is more divine than the claimed divinities of other races. 

The divinity of Mwenemutapa is grounded on the holy person of Mbuya Nehanda who has manifested in those deemed holy by the positive spiritual world of our race since time immemorial. She is hated by the Tambous physically and spiritually because she is continuously manifesting, exposing the hypocrisy of Christian religion. 

There is no other race on earth that can claim a relationship with the spirit of Mbuya Nehanda that defies time and space. 

Mbuya Nehanda can never be categorised.

The people mentioned by Rogers include: Abraha, Emperor of Ethiopia, whose adoption of Christianity changed the face of the world; Abraha Al-Arshan, Emperor of Yemen and Ethiopia, who started a thousand years world war; Kafur the Magnificent, eunuch, an ex-slave who became Lord of Egypt; Yusuf 1, Sultan of Africa and conqueror of the champions of Christendom; Yakub Al-Mansur, Greatest of Moorish Rulers of Spain; Abu Hassan Ali, the Black Sultan of Morocco; Sonni Ali, founder of the Empire of Timbuktu; Ann Zingha, Amazon Queen of Matumba, West Africa; Osei Tutu, founder of the Ashanti nation; Mulai Ishmael, most extraordinary ruler of the 18th Century; Tshaka, mighty Zulu conqueror and despot; Moshoeshoe, Basuto King warrior and stateman; Cetewayo, Zulu King who defeated a British army and killed Prince Napoleon; Mohammed Ahmed, the Madhi conqueror of the Great English General Gordon; Paul Belloni Du Chaillu, explorer of Africa and beloved storyteller; Tippoo Tib, trailblazer for the Great Explorers of Africa; Dehanzin Hossu Bowelle, the Shark African Poet King who defeated France from his throne of Gold; Samuel Adjai Crother, explorer, African educator and Bishop of the British Realm; Samory, the Napoleon of Sudan; Rabah Zobeir, Africa’s defender from European domination; Abu-Ahmed, Iron Chancellor of Morocco; Bambata, gallant African chief who defied the white rulers of South Africa; Menelik 2, King of Kings, Ever Victorious Lion of Judah; Khama the Good King of Bechuanaland; Alfred A. Dodds, French General and Empire Builder; Prempeh of the Golden Stool, King of Ashanti; Glaoui Pasha, the Black Panther of Morocco; Isaac Wallace Johnson, Africa’s Indomitable labour leader; Haile Selassie, Ethiopia’s Dauntless Emperor. 

The glaring difference between the foregoing and Mbuya Nehanda is that they failed to manifest to help us fight the Tambous in their spiritual form as they were in physical form.

Europeans have long been in contact with Africa, that is in Northern Africa; the names of Essop, Mennon of Terence and Cleopatra featured in the legends of literature, the arts and literature of Greece and Rome. Africa was a land of wonder for Ancient Greeks and Rome to an extent they coined an adage: ‘Out of Africa there is always something new’. The concept of Dark Africa is four centuries old and comes from white generations who really did not know about themselves and their past. Jonathan Swift, an English writer, commented on the ignorance of his race about Africa during his time and this ignorance has mutated into racism unheard of since creation of mankind. One cannot blame the Tambous and other races but our academics and intellectuals who do not want to come on board in defence of the motherland. They learnt from Western universities and have no appetite for challenging centuries-old misconception about our race. 

The West is always dangling sabbatical leave to those who do not rock the boat. 

People like Cheik Anta Diop, G. M. James and J. W. Rodgers, to name but a few, have risked their careers and lives without help from other African academics and intellectuals. One has to look at independent Africa’s past, which is wholly dependent on the narrative of His-story which has created generations of Africans who look down on themselves, from 1957 when Ghana became the first African country to be independent, until when, only the Creator knows!

Cheikh Anta Diop

Other races call their religions divine while those Africans converted to them parrot the same because of ignorance. Richard More, a Caribbean-American writer, in his monograph on The Significance of African History, says: “The significance of African (Past told by His-story) is shown , though not covertly, in the very effort to deny anything worthy of the name to His-story to Africa and the African peoples. This widespread and well highly successful endeavour maintained through some five centuries, to erase African history (past) is a fact which of itself should be quite conclusive to thinking and open minds. The deliberate denial of Africa’s history (past) arose out of European expansion and invasion of Africa which began in the middle of the 15th Century. This cancelled human qualities and capacity for civilisation to the indigenous peoples of Africa.”

I hasten to add, with the blessing of corrupted Tambou Christianity and other religions which followed her  footsteps. 

Yet, in 1883, Reverend Robert Taylor of Oakham Gaol said: “Bind it about thy neck, write it, about he tablet of thy heart everything of Christianity is of Egyptian origin.”

If Christianity is of Egyptian origin so are all world religions!

The book, Progress and Evolution of Man in Africa, by Dr L. S. B. Leakey states that Africa is the birthplace of human beings. 

E. A. Budge, in his book, Egypt, says: “The prehistoric native of Egypt, both in old and in new Stone Ages, was an African and there is every reason for saying that the earliest settlers came from the South. The African civilisation of Egypt lasted longer than any civilisation known to man — about 10 000 years. This civilisation reached its height and was in decline before Europe was born.”

 Greeks were not a race but a nation, like the Arabs. A white man migrating to Central Africa and generationally mating with blacks would, in time, produce blacks indistinguishable from other blacks. Climate can also do this. Europe was once inhabited by  an indigenous negro people as well as by  tropical animals and plants — and might be again. Wherever coal is found was once tropical, including what is now the Arctic. Many people find it hard to believe that forces of nature, which are able to change black anthracite to a diamond of the purest water, could change a negro into a white man. In South Africa, very few white women existed in the colony as late as the 17th Century. In 1633, there were only 13. The number of very imminent South African with a negro strain must be considerable because the older the South African family, the more likely it has one. The same is true of Australia, where the first mothers of the white colony who were convicts were Aborigines who were coal black with negroid features and hair, not woolly, but frizzly. 

In Tasmania, the Aborigines were definitely negroid, with peppercorn hair. Their women became the mothers of the first native Tasmanian whites. In Islamic lands, locating a Negro was difficult because there was no colour line. Blacks mentioned in Islamic literature were pure blacks — the Zends or Zenghs — who were brought chiefly from Central Africa and were later converted to Islam, like Lockman and Kafur. 

Where are our African educators? 

It is time to change the syllabus concerning our tortured, rubbished and sullied past. 

All races owe us an apology — or are they, maybe, waiting for resurrection day! 

Iran, on April 14 2024, attacked Israel with missiles and drones after Israel bombed her consulate in Syria on April 1 2024 — and the whole lot of so- called Western democracies stuck by Israel! 

As Cheik Anta Diop says in his book, Civilisation/Barbarism, without white Israel, there is no white Jesus and the Western religion as well as their civilisation becomes a farce and a contradiction. 


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