By Nthungo YaAfrika
THE liberation of Zimbabwe was not spearheaded by the Tambou (white sav- ages) Bible but by the spirit of Mbuya Nehanda.
For publicly saying this, I have been vilified by many, surprisingly, including those who participated in the liberation of Zimbabwe, who are supposed to know better.
Some might argue that if her spirit was that powerful, we should not have been colonised in the first place.
The Nahasi (black) spiritual world is different from other spiritual worlds as it does not force anyone to do its bidding. The motherland is suffering immensely despite its blind faith in Christianity which was the architect of slavery and colonialism.
Surprisingly enough, while the majority of the Tambous are now seeing the flaws in their religion, unliberated Nahasis spiritually cling to it more than ever. This reminds me of the book ‘AnimalFarm’by George Orwell about a horse called Boxer.
Where do I get the spiritual and physical courage to say this? Simply by reading undiluted books from the Tambous themselves and from progressive Nahasis from the ‘SankofaMovement’
written by Kwame Agyei and Akua Nson, Cheikh Anta Diop and G. M. James, among others.
The creation of the Tambou race is explicitly mentioned in the Bible (Genesis6:1-3)
But that same Bible does not expand on this chapter and verses.
The floods left Noah and his family alive, so says their Bible. These were Nahasis (Africans). These were the dominant kingdoms that came into be- ing after the flood: Egypt, its satellite Mwenemutapa and Maya.
The names ‘Egypt’ and ‘Ethiopia’ do not denote a race but a pigment of a people’s skin. ‘Egypt’ and ‘Ethiopia’ simply mean sun-burnt in ancient Greek languages. It would be very in- teresting to know what the Persians called our race as they were the first to colonise us after our ancestors deliber- ately fell from grace for not doing the Will of the Creator. Notice, here I am avoiding to genderise the Creator as the Tambous do, as no-one has ever seen the Creator.
The spirit of Mbuya Nehanda led the Zimbabwean liberation struggle wheth- er one likes it or not and this has been troubling the Tambous since they set foot here.
The modern African is so far gone
that even if the Pope can confess and apologise for misleading our race spir- itually, very few of our race will believe him. This is a sad situation our race
is in today. Zimbabwe, being the hub of positive spirituality, will suffer the most.
Mbuya Nehanda never wants to be worshipped but listened to as she knows that only the Creator must be
worshipped. Even their corrupted re- ligious book called the Bible says so (Matthew4:10and John4:24)
These chapters and verses are rarely quoted, for the Christian world now puts Yeshua at par with the Creator. Can anything positive or sensible come from a savage?
Incidentally, these savages were taught to read and write by our an- cestors! The worst being those from universities who do not even know the origin and meaning of the word ‘uni- versity’. I will leave that to you reader to find out. Zimbabwe is the jewel of the positive spiritual world and the Tambous know this — this is why they are so obsessed with her yet those liv- ing within her are ignorant of this.
Is this surprising? No!
Colonialism did this by shifting com- munities from their original homes and
dumping them where they were spiri- tually unconnected. A good example is the past about Great Zimbabwe; little known here but very well known in
the US by the Sankofa Movement.
Africans, taken as slaves, know
more about our past than we on the continent will ever know except for the few positively spiritually gifted,
like Cheikh Anta Diop, who was born and bred on the motherland.
What would have happened if Zim- babwe, at independence, had dumped all foreign religions and embraced the positive spirit of Mbuya Nehanda!
Foreign religions and Tambou ed- ucation have alienated the positive
spirit of Mbuya Nehanda in us. Even
the corrupted Tambou New Testament Bible urges humanity to embrace
this by warning of the consequence of being rebellious by not following
laid-down laws of communalism (Acts2:42-47;Acts4:32-37and Acts 5:1-11)
Zimbabweans need to deeply
introspect and revisit the roots of the liberation struggles as well as spiritual forces that spearheaded
these struggles. If anything, the same oppressive forces that sought to
quash the armed struggle had their
chaplains and padres in their ranks for spiritual morale!