HomeOpinionThe Creator …white Christian God vis-a-vis Yahweh, Musiki, uThixo, Chauta, Mungu

The Creator …white Christian God vis-a-vis Yahweh, Musiki, uThixo, Chauta, Mungu

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By Nthungo YaAfrika

IN The Patriot of May 5-11 2023, I promised to show the difference between the white Christian God and Yahweh, Musiki, uTixho, Chauta and Mungu, among other names.

The Tambous (whites)’ origin is from the mating of ‘Watchers’ who are mistakenly called ‘angels’ whose leader was Semjaza commonly known in Christian circles as Lucifer, Satan, Deceiver, Liar or Devil with Nahasi (black) women.

Even in the Book of Enoch translated by R.H. Charles, D.LITT.,D.D. with an introduction by W.O.E. Oesterley, D.D. of London Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (1917), one can see a finger of corruption by the Roman Catholic Church.

I have a number of Books of Enoch translated by different authors but for this article I will mainly quote from the version of R.H. Charles.

Angels have one mind, spirit and soul to do nothing else but follow the will of the Creator and can never rebel against their Creator.

The corruption starts in Genesis 6: Verses 1-6, where, because of the beautiful daughters of man, angels lusted after them and decided to sleep with the daughters of men to bear children who would look like them.

To do this, the Watchers had to convince their leader, Semjaza, who at first refused but was later convinced to be part of this scheme.

Some of his followers names were Arakiba, Rameel, Kokabiel, Tamiel, Ramiel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal, Asael, Armaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zaqiel, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael and Sariel — and the origin of the white race is from these rebellious Watchers.

They produced giants who depended on mankind to sustain them and when mankind failed to sustain them, they devoured them and they also devoured each other.

I mentioned this in my last article ‘Similarities Between Ancient Israel, Malawi, Zimbabwe and China’ in Paragraph Three and I am sure many thought I had made it up. From this brief background about the Tambous’ origin, do you think they would ever love people of colour or acknowledge the Creator? 

From their cradle up to death, they are taught by the spirits of the Watchers, their forebears, how unfair the Creator was for punishing them by expelling them from heavenly habitation — their pleas for forgiveness were rejected.

How does such a race view the Creator; loving or unloving?

Although their mothers were of people of colour, created in the image of the Creator, they refused to be identified with the people who bore them.

Their Christian God, whom they usurped from our ancestors, does not have the attributes of the Creator because that God subordinates to the Creator as he or she is the Creator’s creation.

They also usurped the Holy Scriptures, corrupted them and blasphemously called them the Holy Bible, and started propagating them first on the motherland after murdering men and women of colour who were knowledgeable about the Creator.

Their God, in their corrupted Bible, is a God of favour, hate, vengeance and war, among other things, against His creation ( they genderised the Creator yet the Creator has no gender), another unforgivable sin.

They made their God a He because they hate women who they feel are inferior to their fathers.

Hence their proclivity for homosexuality, preferring their kind over women.

Even in the scriptures they call Holy, they trivialise the Creator by giving the Creator titles of human beings, like father. (Psalms 2: Vs 7, 89: Vs 26, 103: Vs 13, Isaiah 9: Vs 6, Mat 6: Vs9, Mat 23: Vs9, Luke 2: Vs 49, John 5: Vs 20, John 10: Vs 30)

These titles make women nonentities, a creation from males!

The worst verse in their Bible is found in Genesis 2: Vs 18 which shows the Creator was not aware of the future when He said: ‘’Then Jehovah said: It is not good for the man to continue to be alone. I am going to make him a helper for him, as a complement to him,” read up to Verse 23 and then compare with Verse 24.

This chapter and verses have been a source of trouble between males and females ever since the Roman Catholic Church corrupted our ancestors’ scriptures.

In order to appease their consciences, the Roman Catholic Church said on April 26 2023, through Pope Francis, that women could now vote in the Bishops’ Chambers, 2 107 years after women’s rights had been abolished, especially those of women of colour.

The Tambous never thought much about their womenfolk as they buried baby girls at birth or threw them away at dump sites.

A prostitute had more rights than a married woman and white males had the right of life or death over their spouses and could even sell them and their children when in debt.

This is the God the whites brought to the people of colour who embraced this doctrine to our current detriment.

The Creator, who was once known by one name by all people of colour, is loving and white God.

The way our ancestors related to the Creator confused the whites and they had no patience to learn from them — they calously murdered them.

God means an active ancestral spirit that can communicate with the Creator. A case in point is Enoch, Elijah and, here on the motherland, we have Murenga, Chaminuka and Mbuya Nehanda.

Their spirits led the people of colour when our race was under siege from Rome in 84 BC to this part of the motherland now called Zimbabwe, culminating in the building of the House of Stones which, even in its ruined state, is the most Holiest Temple on planet earth.

The Israelites’ exodus is not the only one in human history.

God means a spirit who can communicate with the Creator.

Our ancestors, especially after the 4th and 6th Century, lost the real name of the Creator after the last Priest died in Sudan followed by the banning of their religion by Emperors Justian and Theodius.

The name was resuscitated in this part of the motherland by God Spirit Murenga and Goddess Spirit Mbuya Nehanda, but those who knew of the name were ruthlessly exterminated by the whites who had followed them from Egypt to this part of the world.

From then on, the Creator was known by many names here on the motherland but had one attribute — that of unlimited love — which may be the cause of our downfall. We love our enemies without first connecting to the positive spiritual world for guidance.

Right now, the people of colour are in a confused physical and spiritual world that is alien to the positive spiritual world because of the Christian God.

Despite this state of affairs, we are still better off than thewhites who are now at sixes and sevens with themselves.

Now that some people of colour are no longer intimidated by the whites’ Bible, the reawakening of our race has started.

Some now see the whites for who they are — blind guides. (Matthew 15: Verse 14) 

Many say why do I quote the whites’ Bible if I am always saying it’s corrupted.

The answer is, they failed to totally corrupt our ancestors’ Holy writings as they left parts that are sign posts, especially if one has read antiquity books like those of Enoch, Hermes, the Book of the Dead, Pah Hotep Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, Pyramid Texts and Magical Texts, just to name a few and other modern books by G.M. James, Cheik Anta Diop, The Egyptian Religion by Professor Henri Frankfort as well as The Mediterranean World in Ancient Times by Prof. Eva Sandford, among many others.


The original Hebrews, Jews were people of colour not light skinned Jews, but the three evils of Western religion, schooling and toxic politics continue to keep us blind.

Nthungo YaAfrika, aka J.L. Mtembo, is a Hamite who strongly believes in the motherland renaissance. For views and comments, email: [email protected]


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