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The story of Prophet Enoch and Joseph. . . missing link on the Motherland

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By Nthungo YaAfrika

BEFORE I delve into the above topic, I want to add to my last article in The Patriot of September 20-26 2024 titled ‘Corrupted Yeshua’s prayer: A curse for our race’.
There is this sentence in Tambous’ prayer of Yeshua he taught to his Apostles: “Let your will take place as in heaven also on earth.”
The only time this happened was when Prophet Enoch ruled the world; yet all major religions imposed on the Motherland do not regard Prophet Enoch as the only prophet nearer to the Creator than other prophets. This is despite the Prophet never tasted death like all prophets they adore and praise, except for Prophets Elijah and Yeshua.
We are afraid to challenge some of the views held in religions imposed on us as a race because of slavery and colonialism; our race will always be the butt of jokes for other races. Incidentally, these races came into being when disobedient Watchers slept with Nahasi women (Genesis 6).
We were created to make this planet a first heaven but failed, and are still failing. This situation was caused by the Roman Catholic Church after they published their corrupted version of the creation story through their Bible called the Septuagint or the Alexandrine which is the first deliberately corrupted Bible about the Creator and our race. This Bible was commissioned in the second and third centuries and is said to have been translated from the Hebrew Bible.
The question our race is afraid to ask is: Who were the original Hebrews?
The answer to this is crystal clear as found in the Holy Qura’n, Al Hirj:26, yet no-one in the world of all religions has challenged this!
Our race is not as fortunate as the Britons who challenged the Roman Catholic Church about their Bible. This, however, must not be a discouragement. All that our race needs to do is to expose the inconsistencies in the current Tambou Bible.
This is easier said than done, as it will meet with a lot of resistance more from our race than the Tambous. Most people of our race think that the Creator had a hand in compiling the Tambou Bible because of ignorance (Genesis 6).
Our race needs spiritual strength which we can get from the Motherland’s spiritual medium Mbuya Nehanda whose spirit resides in Great Zimbabwe. She defeated and defied the evil spirits from hell mentioned in Matthew 12:43-45. She is still defying the Tambous’ corrupted versions about the Creator, that is why some of us are writing about her. These spirits from hell are currently intimidating the majority of 980 million of our race causing spiritual confusion to the delight of the Tambous. No-one can stop the Mbuya Nehanda juggernaut which is now in motion on the Motherland.
The story of Joseph, found in the Tambous’ Bible, must be our rallying call; he was selfless and he discarded the philosophy of ‘I, Me, and Myself’.
He could have easily become the world’s richest person if he had opted for corruption.
This is never mentioned in Christian circles during sermons because Christianity is a religion of corruption and extortion, especially on those who are spiritually ignorant.
The reason the story of Joseph is given more prominence than that of Enoch in Christian, Jewish and Islamic holy books really boggles the mind.
In some Islamic scholars’ books, like that of Dali Balta rendered into English by Dr Muhammad Badawi, the story of Joseph is given more prominence than that of Enoch under the heading ‘Lives of the Prophets’.
I have no quarrel with Joseph except that his prominence over Prophet Enoch has made the world what it is today; a world devoid of truth of the Creator.
Joseph was the answer to people’s suffering and he was no crook like those found in ancient and current world religions, while Prophet Enoch is the eternal answer to human sufferings for all generations and times until the human race knows that without the will of the Creator on earth suffering will continue.
Currently, the world is in a dire situation and the most affected is our race which is in the ‘rush mode’ to leave a continent that has more wealth than all the other continents combined. The answer simply lies in our ignorance of self and the Creator. The Creator is not a dictator.
The answer then lies in humans especially those affected most, us the Nahasis. If the spirit of Mbuya Nehanda led Zimbabwe to its independence against all odds, what can stop that spirit from leading us to economic independence against all odds?
The answer lies in Zimbabweans themselves — we fear being ridiculed for believing in her (Matthew 12:43-45).
After independence there was a spiritual lull which is the cause of the current problems on the Motherland as it made the evil spirits mentioned Matthew 12 verses 43-45 much bolder to create physical and spiritual disadvantage aiding our tormentors, the Tambous. Prophet Enoch is only mentioned in passing in Genesis 15 verses 18, 21, 22, 23, 24 and in the Book of Jude. This is the reason why many do not take him spiritually seriously.
In the Islamic book, ‘Prophethood and the Prophets’ by Al Sheilk Muhammad Ali Sabuni translated by Muhammad Idris Esau, Prophet Enoch is omitted in Chapter 6, headlined, ‘The Prophets Who Were Men of Determination’. These are Nuh (Noah), Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses), Jesus the Messiah and Muhammad the Seal of the Prophets. His name is found amongst prophets called ‘The Prophets Other than the Men of Resolution’. Why this is so is because the Book of Enoch was found in Ethiopia making the Tambous to search for it in order to destroy it. By the grace of the Positive Spiritual World they failed to destroy it and only managed to corrupt it but still the truth stands out like a sore thumb in these corrupted versions.
Prophet Enoch is the fly in the ointment for the corrupted Tambou Bible and other religions who thought the Middle East was the birthplace of religions. In fact, the Motherland is the birthplace of religions and all religious mischief. We are what other races do not want us to be — ‘the first born of all humanity’. And that is what they cannot take away from us — propagnda or no propaganda, the Ham story or no Ham story (Genesis 9 verses 20-29). The only prophet above Enoch is Yeshua and the Tambous corrupted his image to become a Tambou and it’s almost impossible to convince most Nahasis that he was their own, and most end up saying ‘so what?’ in resignation in view of the suffering they are subjected to by the Tambou systems governing us. This is because they do not know what the name Abraham means. Ham was never cursed but blessed as Abraham says, Ab stands for ‘abba father’, ‘ra’ heavenly god, so Abraham simply means Ham is associated with the heavenly God.
This now makes me boldly to say that as long as our race is attached especially to Christianity there is no hope physically or spiritually for us to embrace the Way of of the Creator although it is mentioned in their corrupted Bible in these books, Proverbs 16 verse 25, Isaiah 20 verse 21, John 14 verse 6, Acts 9 verse 2 and 1 Corinthians 10 verse 13. This Way was first practised by Prophet Enoch and it led to the first human peace.
This means that without humans embracing The Way there will never be peace in the world but who cares as some prefer chaos to peace to acquire perishable riches, with the philosophy of I, Me and Myself being the norm. This philosophy even frightens the Devil (The Holy Quran, Abraham verse 22). The story of the Creator is continuously being mangled by the Tambous and as long as we have gullible people amongst us the road to The Way of the Creator will always be inaccessible, physically and spiritually, creating a heavenly bliss for those who do not want our Motherland to enjoy spiritual peace and tranquillity in order for us to enjoy the Creator’s given riches which are the envy to many around us.
The signs that Prophet Enoch and Joseph Story Missing Link on the Motherland are gaining ground can be seen in West Africa within the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the expulsion of the Tambous initiated by Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali, if Nigeria joins as some are saying, the Motherland’s road to peace and prosperity is imminent. What then will happen to those who invite confusion to our doorsteps?
The answer lies with the Eternal Spirit of the Motherland, Mbuya Nehanda. In the spiritual world I am sure that Kwame Nkrumah is telling Julius Nyerere that, I told you only total unity for the Motherland would have brought the Way of the Creator to the Motherland. Many are ignorant of the fact that Nkrumah and Nyerere were always at loggerheads over how the Motherland should unite. Nkrumah was for absolute unity whilst Nyerere was for gradual unification through regional blocs.
Regional blocs have failed to unite and bring the desired peace and prosperity to the Motherland as they are blessed by our ex-slaves and erstwhile colonisers.


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