Think twice about the Bible …was Jesus really white?


By Nthungo YaAfrika

WHILE religious contamination and deliberate corruption is rife in the Bible nobody among our black race cares. 

I have always said that a lie, repeatedly told, becomes the truth. 

Christ has always been associated with Christo, which is Greek as the Tambous (white savages) want everyone to believe they civilised the human race, yet the opposite is true. 

According to G.M. James in the book ‘Stolen Legacy’, our ancestors called the Greeks ‘little children’ as the Greeks were enlightened by them. 

The whites’s Bible, in Acts 11: Verse 26, makes us believe that it was by divine providence that the followers of Yeshua were called Christians: 

“After he found him he brought him to Antioch. 

So for the whole year they assembled with them in the congregation and taught quite a crowd, and it was first in Antioch that the disciples were by divine providence called Christians.”

Yet in ancient books of our ancestors, Christ means ‘Kheseshata’ which means ‘one who watches over mysteries’ and this was applied to Yeshua by religious contamination in the 4th  Century during the era of Emperor Theodius when our ancestors’ religion was first banned.

Our ancestors gave the name ‘Kheseshata’ to  Divinities like Osiris God; Isis Goddess; Horus; Seth; Thoth, God of Letters; Saf, Lady of Letters; Hercules; Apollo; Minerva; Diana; Mars; and Jupiter. 

Some might say some of the aforementioned are Greek Gods but this is far from the truth as Greeks and Romans usurped these Gods from our ancestors. 

For every Greek God, the Romans had a replica as I will show. 

Zeus in Greek is Jupiter in Roman, Apollo is Apollo, Ares is Mars, Poseidon is Neptune, Hermes is Mercury, Dionysus is Bacchus, Demeter is Ceres, Artemis is Diana, Aphrodite is Venus and Hestia is Vesta. 

The Greeks were the first to conquer the motherland in 322 BC while the Romans conquered the Greeks in 84 BC  thereby becoming the overlords of our ancestors and all they did was to usurp Greek Gods which the Greeks had usurped from our ancestors without fully understanding what their duties were and what they meant.

 In the books ‘Emancipation to Mental Slavery’ and ‘Roots of Life’, they say the Holy Bible is derived from Greek words Hellos Biblos which translates to Sun Book and represents the knowledge of the ‘Children of Sun’ as found in the Egyptian ‘Book of the Dead’, ‘The Writing of Thoth’ and other ancient books. 

How many of our so-called learned theologians know this? 

And how many know that in 1534, English King, Henry VIII, restricted the reading of the Bible to the noble class only. 

In 1534 English King Henry VIII restricted the reading of the Bible to the noble class.

Apprentices, serving men, labourers and commoners in general were not allowed by Parliament to read or use any part of the of the Bible without risking imprisonment. 

And still, how many know that in 1605, King James assigned a committee of learned men and scholars to edit the Bible and write one uniform translation that could be used by both commoners and nobles alike without causing friction. 

The Church was bound by royal authority to use this version while all other versions were banned.

To those who believe in a white Jesus, this is what ‘Roots of Life’ says: “In 1508 Michaelangelo the famous Italian painter was commissioned to paint the ceiling of the Sistine chapel in Rome. 

He used his relatives as models; his aunt and uncle posed for the images of Adam and Eve, his cousin modelled for the painting of Jesus. 

These images were then spread around the world giving a totally inaccurate image of Jesus. 

Statues of black women and children still exist in shrines in Poland, Russia, Germany and some parts of Italy. 

In some churches the statues are kept hidden away where they are worshipped by only a select few.”

In light of the above, would we be wrong to say black people have been contaminated or deliberately corrupted so that our race is kept spiritually and colonial enslaved to the white savages (Tambous) – a strategy that keeps us perpetually disconnected from the positive spiritual world culminating to our current deplorable status. 

Zimbabwe is the most blessed country because of Gods like Murenga, Chaminuka and Goddess Mbuya Nehanda but because of the contamination and corruption of the Bible our own ancestors are viewed as demonic spirits yet the churches ancestors, whose foundations are demonic, are viewed as saints.

Some might ask: How demonic is the foundation of Christian churches? 

The answer lies in their pagan beliefs and feasts. 

Pagan beliefs do not want to be associated with the image of Yahweh, for the image of Yahweh is communal and not individualistic (Acts 2: Verses 42-47 and 4: Verses 32-37). 

From Acts 2, I will quote Verses 44-45: “All those who became believers were together and had everything in common, and they were selling their possessions and properties and distributing the proceeds to all, according to what each one needed.” 

Acts 4, Verse 32 says: “Moreover, the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and soul and not even one of them would say that any of his things which he possessed were his own, but they had all things in common.” 

Show me one Christian Church that practices this in the world and I will call a you a liar. 

Africans were the first people to develop a system of religious beliefs which were stolen thousands of years later, distorted and then used as a foundation for developing new religious systems.

What Christian Churches are failing to practise is a common issue they always denounce in the kingdom of Lucifer.

Pagan feasts are Christmas and Easter. 

These have no spiritual value to human beings except to defraud the ignorant of their hard-earned cash by a system called capitalism; a system that even the devil is afraid of because it creates greed, hate, the philosophy of ‘I, Me and Myself ‘which is detrimental to a creation of fellowship and unity of purpose. 

Another pagan feast which is now very common is Valentine’s Day and its purpose many do not know except the high priests of the negative spiritual world which are based in Europe and the US. 

“On this day prayers are offered to pagan god Cupid to stab the heart of someone you love even if they do not love you. A stab from cupid’s arrow and your loved one will be yours forever, willing or not.” (Roots of Life)

This is nothing new as it was foretold by Enoch before the white savages compiled, contaminated and deliberately corrupted our ancestors Holy Scriptures. 

Enoch 98: Verse 4 says: “I have sworn to you sinners, as a mountain has not become a slave, and an anthill does not become the handmaid of a woman, even so sin has not been sent upon earth, but man of himself has created it, and under a great curse shall they fall who commit it.” 

This simply means even though the white savages are the descendants of disobedient watchers, they were not born with sin, are creating it out of their own volition and, therefore, can repent and be acceptable to Yahweh. 

Sin is individualistic and not communalistic and it becomes communal if many are coerced ignorantly or willingly. 

Enoch 99: Verse 2 actually gives credence to Enoch 98: Verse 4 by saying: “Cursed to you who pervert the words of  uprightness, and transgress the eternal law, and transform themselves into what they were not (into sinners), they shall be trodden underfoot upon the earth.” 

Many Nahasis (black people) with orphaned minds do not believe in ‘The Book of Enoch’ as they say it is not canonised. 

The question is: Canonised by whom – by whites, a race whose ancestors never left any documented evidence about their antiquity past!

No-one can shoot oneself in the foot while running away from a lion. 

To the white savages, The Book of Enoch exposes their treacherous sinful ways and that is the reason it was not canonised. 

Enoch 104: Verses 8-13 leave no stone unturned concerning the Tambous. 

Verses 1 and 2 say: “Be not be godless in your hearts, and lie not and alter the words of uprightness nor charge with lying the words of the of the Holy Great One, nor take account of your idols, for all for all your lying and all your godlessness issue not in righteousness but in great sin. 

And now I know this mystery, that sinners will alter and pervert the words of righteousness in many ways, and will speak wicked words, and lie, and practice great deceits, and write books concerning their words.” 

Compare to Daniel 7: Verse 25: “He will speak words against the Most High, and he will continually harass the holy ones of the supreme one. 

He will intend to change times and law and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.” 

The above is in their Bible.

What more is there to add? 

Our race is caught in a spiritual trap and can it walk out? 

Time will tell, but truth is, time has never been on anyone’s side.

Nthungo YaAfrika, aka J.L. Mtembo is a Hamite who strongly believes in the motherland renaissance.

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