By Nthungo YaAfrika
IT took the Tambous (white savages) 1 284 years, from 600 AD to AD 1884, to finally impose Christianity by criminal and violent ways on the people of colour (Nahasis) on the motherland.
From 1884 to to date, a total of 139 years, the majority of 685 million Nahasi on the motherland, who are Christians, do not believe that we had no hand in the crucification of Yeshua (Jesus).
This is not surprising because the majority of these do not know that the Bible was compiled from ancient scrolls that were then heavily corrupted by the whites after black priests and intellectuals had been forced to translate them, one of these being Manetho.
The original Nahasian Butua language which connected all black people died when the Great Zimbabwe Temple was overrun by Spanish Catholic Priests in the 16th Century.
Yeshua was crucified when our motherland was under Roman rule around 33 AD, having been conquered in 84 BC by the Romans.
During that time, many blackmen and women intermarried with the white savages and created a race that viewed itself as better than the original blacks because of the light colour of their pigment.
This new race was then made custodians of our ancestors’ religion by the Romans who were jealous of Yeshua as the Romans thought that Yeshua wanted to resurrect the glorious days of the empire they had destroyed.
The quoting of ancient scriptures by Yeshua did not help matters, especially the one he quoted from Isaiah in Nazareth (Luke 4: Verses 16-30).
Verses 18-19 say: ”Jehovah’s spirit is upon me because he anointed me to declare good news to the poor. He sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and a recovery of sight to the blind (spiritually blind our race then and now), and to send the crushed ones away free. To preach Jehovah’s acceptable year.”
During the time Yeshua quoted Isaiah, our race was in physical and spiritual captivity and 2 056 years later, our race is still in the same situation.
I will leave that to you reader to ponder and digest, if you are indigenous, a new race created by the whites or if you are a black the ball is in your soul, spirit and mind’s court.
The question begging here is, if we did not crucify Yeshua, why are we worse off than those who crucified him?
I will turn back to their Bible in Matthew 15: Verses 3-11: ” In reply he said to them why do you over step the commandment of God because of your traditions.”
Mark 7: Verses 6-8 says: ‘‘Isaiah aptly prophesied about you hypocrites, as it is written, this people honour me with their lips but their hearts are far removed from me. It is in vain that they keep worshipping me for they teach commandments of men as doctrines. You let go of the commandment of God and cling to the tradition of men.”
This was the mistake Paul did. (Galatians 1: Verses 1-24)
All this, to me, was a prophecy about the generations of 1884 to date and maybe until kingdom come.
The traditions of our ancestors aforementioned were bad but the traditions that those on the motherland are clinging to, those of the white savages, are not even acceptable in the kingdom of Lucifer and his compatriots.
Genesis 6 does not give a clear picture of the traditions of the white savages as compared to Enoch 6, 7, 8 and 9 and these, among our race, are now called human rights.
We are now following the white savages’ traditions more than the white savages themselves, whether ignorantly or otherwise, but these are not acceptable to Yahweh, simply because there is no room for ignorance in those created in the image of Yahweh.
The words of the Last Supper in the New Testament accredited to Yeshua makes him a cannibal. (Matthew 26: Verses 26-30)
Verses 26-28 say: ”As they continued eating, Jesus took a loaf and after saying a blessing he broke it and gave it to his disciples he said take eat this means my body. And taking a cup he offered thanks and gave it to them saying, drink out of it all of you for this means my blood of the covenant which is poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins.”
Compare the words of the last supper accredited to Jesus about the Apostles eating his body and drinking his blood, with these found in the Old Testament (Genesis 9: Verse 4): ”Only flesh with its life that is given under authority you must eat — its blood you must not eat.”
Leviticus 7: Verse 26-27 says: “You must not eat any blood in any of your dwelling places, whether that of birds or that of animals. Anyone who eats blood must be put to death.”
These are some of the chapters and verses that talk about blood in the Old Testament. Compare them with these verses from Chapter 7 from the Book of Enoch: Verses 3, 4 and 5: ”Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, beasts, reptiles, fish and to devour one another’s flesh, and drink the blood.” The Book of Enoch is not part of their Bible and Enoch is only mentioned fleetingly in Genesis 5 and the Book of Jude.
The sin of the majority of white Christians is believing in the whites’ corrupted scriptures without referring to Matthew 7: Verses 7-8, which says: ”Keep on asking it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking it will be opened to you. For everyone asking receives and everyone seeking finds and to every one knocking it will be opened,” resulting in the current predicament of our race because they are in the majority.
The Christians on the motherland do not believe that the Great Zimbabwe Temple is the holiest of places on planet earth despite it being the last resting place of the Ark of the Covenant.
Some time ago, I had a conversation with Kundishora Chipunza, the chief curator with Zimbabwe Museums who said, in 1998, when the Japanese visited the temple, they attested to positive living spirits in the Enclosure of the temple.
This means that we, in Zimbabwe, must be the first to follow the traditions of those living spirits because they are directly connected to Yeshua and Yahweh (Musiki, uTixho, Chauta, Mungu) followed by the rest of the motherland for this continent to at least be like what it was in 1835 when criminality, homelessness and poverty were non-existent. But because of 139 years of being physically and spiritually colonised, this is not achievable unless a miracle happens to heal our orphaned minds. Mwenemutapa Kingdom and other kingdoms on the motherland capitulated because of following the traditions of the white savages.
By utterly denying that Yeshua was not a black, we are actually refusing his blessings.
Can anyone blame the white savages for treating us like trash?
A race like ours that is afraid, because of ignorance and fear, of associating with the positive spiritual world deserves worse than its current predicament.
The Hebrews, from where the Jews originated, were never whites nor did the Greeks write the New Testament.
This I intimate because the Old Testament is headlined thus: The Hebrew Aramaic Scriptures and this, to orphaned minds, means white Jews while the New Testament is headlined thus: The Christian Greek Scriptures and this also, to orphaned minds, means white Greeks.
As I mentioned elsewhere in this article, the Greeks had the understanding of the scriptures after they were translated by the likes of Egyptian Priest Manetho into the Greek language.

Every year we celebrate the crucification of Jesus by carrying the cross yet Jesus was not crucified on the cross but on a stake. (Mark 15: Verse 15, Luke 23: Verse 21 and Galatians 3: Verse 13)
A stake is a sturdy upright fixture that provides support for some other object and a cross is a geometrical figure consisting of two intersecting bars, usually perpendicular to each other, — a structure of wood for execution.
Only criminals were crucified on the cross and Yeshua was not a criminal and by carrying crosses during Easter we are actually insinuating that Yeshua was a criminal and that the Romans were not wrong in crucifying him.
The cross was first introduced by Roman Emperor Constantine as a means of punishing criminals and he then introduced it as a symbol of penance when he converted to Christianity and Trinity.
The Cross and Trinity were part of black (Egyptian) religion which the Romans borrowed and introduced into Christianity, making them the foundation of Christianity without understanding what they stood for in Ancient Egyptian (Nahasi) religion.
Yes, our ancestors did not crucify Yeshua (Jesus) but we are worse off spiritually, physically and materially than the descendants of those who actually crucified him and, to put icing on a cake, they are still robbing us blind, and creating divisions among us because we suffer from self-acquired voluntary ignorance syndrome (SAVIS).
We are guilty of embracing the traditions of the descendants of the white savages without consulting the positive spiritual world that is headquartered at the Great Zimbabwe Temple.
Zimbabwe is the only country on the planet that currently houses the positive spiritual spirit.
Farfetched, some might say!
How then could the colonialists who thought they were near the Creator give Murenga names like the High God, the High Spirit, Mlimo, Mwari and the God of Matobo Hills, which are used in their Bible?
Read to understand the white savages’ Bible by invoking the positive spiritual world, in which Yeshua said, ”…and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (John 8: Verse 32)
Nthungo YaAfrica, aka J.L. Mtembo, is a Hamite who strongly believes in the motherland renaissance.
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