Nthungo YaAfrika
AFTER destroying our spiritual space the white savages (Tambous) now call us descendants of heathens.
But in the positive spiritual world, we are grouped together with them because we call ourselves ‘modern’. However, ‘modern’ is a misnomer since it is carryover of pagan anti-Creator Roman Empire ruling our world under Roman Dutch Law.

The Tambous’ founding Christian fathers were the most ignorant men who left their mark on human thought. Concerning the earth’s motion St Augustine had this to say: “It is impossible there should be inhabitants on the opposite side of the earth since no such race is recorded by the scriptures among the descendants of Adam.”
While Inchofer said: “The opinion of the earth’s motion is of all heresies, the most abominable, the most pernicious, the most scandalous; the immobility of the earth is thrice sacred.”
And Lactantius concluded: “It is impossible that men can be so absurd as to believe that crops and trees on the other side of the earth hang down wards and that men have their feet higher than their heads . . . Now I am really at a loss what to say of those who, once they have gone wrong, steadily persevere in their folly and defend one absurd opinion with another.”
The great St Augustine did not know that the earth was round yet in his ‘Confessions’ this is what he said: “This then is what I conceive O my God when I hear thy Scriptures saying, In the beginning God made heaven and earth: and the earth was invisible and without form and darkness was within the deep, and not mentioning what day thou createst it; this is what I conceive, that because of the heavens — that intellectual heaven — whose intelligences know all at once, not in part, not markly not through a glass, but as a whole in manifestation face-to-face; not this thing now, that thing anon; but (as I said) know all at once, without any succession of times; and because which succession presents, that thing anon; because there is no form, there is no distinction of things; it is then, on account of these two, a primitive formed and a primitive formless; this one heaven, but the heaven of heavens; the other earth but the earth immovable and without form; because of the two I conceive did the Scriptures say without mention of days. In the beginning God created heaven and earth. For, forth with it subjoined what earth it spoke of; and also in that firmament is recorded to be created the second day; and called heaven, it conveys to us of which heaven he before spoke, without attention of days.”
And this goes on for pages, ending up in rhapsodical raving. This is the man revered by the Anglican Church.
Whilst this ignorance was aflame in Europe, Zimbabwe, capital city of the Mwenemutapa Empire, had the best scientific schools in the world; they built the Great Zimbabwe enclosure which was built in relation to the earth’s geosphere.
“The relation of the three spheres is analogous to the three spheres of the earth’s atmosphere, including the core, hydrosphere and tropospheres and thirdly the upper atmosphere — the area of the earth’s encounter with celestial bodies and forces,” stated Kwame Agyei Akua Nson in the book, ‘Reafrikanization and Realty of War of the Sankofa Movement’.
The Mwenemutapa Kingdom was knowledgeable about the Planet Venus. They knew of the sightings of Planet Venus and her cyclitic orbits. The ‘Cresden Codex’ claimed 236 sightings of Venus; the ‘Ammzaduga Tablet’ of Babylon (245 sightings); and ‘Zimbabwe Tablet’ (251); while the actual is 263, making Zimbabwe more accurate than Maya and Babylon.
The total cycles of the planet Venus in the ‘Maya Tablet’ is 584 while the Babylonians put the cycles at 581 and the Mwenemutapa Kingdom has 583 cycles. The actual modern cycles are 583,92, also making Zimbabwe more accurate.
The Dogons of Mali, West Africa, knew about the Sirius Star, the brightest star in the sky, that can be seen in winter in the Northern Hemisphere which modern science has discovered because of modern telescopes. They also knew of its partners and their orbits. They knew about the satellites of Jupiter and rings of Saturn and that the Moon was dry as blood — all this knowledge without telescopes as the Book of Enoch explains.
Knowledge of the universe was common knowledge in the motherland during the time of Mbuya Nehanda and beyond as there was competition amongst kingdoms in the world.
Christianity is the greatest mistake the whiteman (Tambou) ever made because of ignorance of the way of the Creator.
A good example is the Anansian Creed.
Here is a Western man proclaiming his metaphysical incompetency:
- Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary he hold the Catholic faith.
- Which faith, except everyone do keep whole, and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlasting.
- And the Catholic faith is this: We worship one God in Trinity and Trinity in Unity.
- Neither confounding the persons nor dividing the substance.
- For there is one Person of the Father, another of the Son and another of the Holy Ghost.
- But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit is all one, the glory equal, the majesty co-eternal (They aren’t even co-existent in one body).
- Much as the Father is, such is the Son and such is the Holy Ghost.
- The Father uncreate, the Son uncreate and the Holy Ghost uncreate.
- The Father incomprehensible, the Son incomprehensible and the Holy
Ghost incomprehensible.
All religions, in one way or another, were corrupted by the Catholics.
Everything the Tambous do not understand, they call pagan. Trinity was only understood by our ancestors and has since lost its meaning. Confusion breeds confusion:
‘’Over one word filoque, the Pope of Rome Leo 1X and the Patriarch of Constantinople Michael Cerularius excommunicated each other. And neither understood what he was talking about. This mutual excommunication occurred in 1051 and it took the Church 911 years to revoke it in 1965.”
That is its pace and reform.
When the Tambous usurped our ancestors’ spiritual ways, they thought that it was going to be plain sailing but the opposite happened. Even though we are at their mercy today, they haven’t found favour with that spiritual world. That is why today they are talking of exterminating our race. The only thing they are achieving is to lure some people with money to preach the gospel of confusion and ignorance.
Ribbon, the historian, knew better when he said: ‘’The Church of Rome defended by violence the empire she had acquired by fraud.
And now that Christianity is firmly established what do we find? The Kingdom of Heaven up on earth? On the contrary a moral and intellectual degradation unparalleled in human story.”
As of the 5th Century, Slavianus —a priestly his-storian — had this to say: “Besides a very few who avoid evil, what is seen is the iniquity of the whole body of Christians.”
Immorality is a ‘civilised’ vice — the higher a civilisation claims to be, the more depraved its viciousness. The motherland was a place where people were rooted in the way of the Creator.
But we are currently like Christian Carthage, which is described in the Catholic Encyclopedia as: “Crimes of all kinds made Africa one of the most wretched provinces in the world.”
Today, the media is awash with stories of Africans selling their kith and kin all over the world for a US dollar. Because of Christianity, the motherland is spiritually worse off. Witches and wizards, before Christianity, were heavily monitored and were made to reside on the fringes of settlements, a mistake our ancestors made, because the Law of the Creator (Exodus 20:18) was explicit on how to deal with this scourge. Our ancestors accorded them human rights without contacting the positive spiritual world. These then embraced Christianity and helped the Tambous conquer the whole motherland spiritually and physically. Exodus 20:18 is sexist as it mentions only witches and not wizards.
This is not surprising as the Tambous have no respect for the womenfolk. They blame the womenfolk for their spiritual plight because they were born out of fornication between the Watchers and Nahasi women. In the current war between Israel and and Palestine, the whole Christian world is rooting for Israel, quoting in ignorance Romans 9:13, that says: “Jacob I loved and Esau I hated.”
In ignorance I say because this actually makes current Tambou Israel ‘holy’ and the ‘favoured’ race by the Creator. Yet the Creator favours only those who do His bidding. Current Israel is a physical and spiritual disaster; not even the devil wants her in the devil’s orbit.
The book by Cheik Anta Diop sheds some light on why Israel is not being chastened by the West in its war with Palestine. In his book, ‘Civilization and Barbarism’, he says that, in 1972, Israeli archaelogists discovered, in Jerusalem, texts of Roman epoch describing the person of Christ in a very precise manner. These manuscripts have, as it were, an explosive character because their content differs from several of the versions of Jesus’ life as told in the New Testament. In order to avoid colliding with the Catholic Church susceptibilities, the Israelis kept these discoveries secret and invited the Vatican to send a specialist to examine them. This was done. Since then, by mutual agreement, secrecy has been maintained about these exceptional discoveries. Moreover, Christ, in his youth, took a trip to Egypt (Africa) where he was initiated into the Mysteries. Israel is currently the keeper and defender of white (Tambou) corrupted Christian religion because of these Jerusalem scrolls. Any exposure will lead to the collapse of a white Jesus to the Tambous spiritual embarrassment.
Dr Mthole Kotshekga also claimed that Jesus was black. This knowledge became common knowledge after G.M. James published his book ‘Stolen Legacy’ — and, for his effort, he died a mysterious death.