By Evans Mushawevato
THE night always recedes before the morning sun, but there are those who wish for the darkness to persist, those who wish to keep Zimbabwe cloaked in darkness.
Even before they have begun the Gukurahundi hearings, a critical step in the journey of national healing, the hearings are being criticised, targeted by forces who neither understand nor care about the true essence of this process.

The forthcoming Gukurahundi hearings have been born out of a collective yearning for healing and closure. Yet, as with any significant moment, there are those who would seek to disrupt it, those who seek to poison the well from which the people must drink. These forces, internal and external, have positioned themselves against the process, wielding doubt and division as their weapons. What they do not understand is that this is not their battle to fight. The Gukurahundi hearings are for Zimbabwe, by Zimbabweans and they belong to no-one else.
These forces, external and local, are antagonistic to the people’s desire to reclaim their dignity and reconcile their pain. They would have us believe that this endeavour is a political manoeuvre, a charade staged to placate external powers or certain factions. But such falsehoods crumble beneath the weight of truth: the Gukurahundi hearings are not a performance. They are a solemn national exercise, grounded in the soil of our shared history and directed by the collective will of Zimbabweans.
Who are these voices that cast doubt and aspersions upon the hearings?
Are they the affected?
No, they are neither the wounded nor the grieving, yet they wail more than the bereaved. They are distant spectators, some driven by political expediency, others by the hubris of external interference.
Their cynicism betrays a profound ignorance of the cultural and historical nuances that underpin the Gukurahundi hearings.
It is not for the opportunists in foreign capitals to dictate how Zimbabwe confronts her scars. Nor is it the prerogative of local political factions to hijack this process for narrow, partisan ends.
These detractors are like scavengers circling a wounded animal, hoping to feed off its pain. But they fail to recognise that Zimbabwe is not broken; she is healing. The hearings are not about reopening old wounds to score points but about addressing them so that the body of the nation can truly mend. Those who attempt to undermine this process only prolong the agony of the victims and delay the healing of our shared national psyche.
This is a process rooted in Zimbabwean realities.
In a world increasingly fractured by cultural imperialism and the homogenisation of justice systems, the Gukurahundi hearings are simply a message that we are a sovereign nation that will do things, our things, our way.
This process does not seek validation from foreign frameworks or imported models of reconciliation. It is rooted in the wisdom of our ancestors, blending traditional practices with modern principles of justice. It calls for hunhu/ubuntu, a recognition of our shared humanity and interconnectedness.
In our traditional settings, justice was never about punishment only; it was about restoration, about rebuilding the moral fabric of the community torn apart by conflict.
Yet, there are those who disparage this blending of the old and the new, as if Western notions of justice hold a monopoly on truth. They mock the idea of incorporating traditional practices, dismissing them as relics of a bygone era. But let them be reminded: the baobab tree’s roots are what allow it to stand tall through the fiercest storms. So, too, must Zimbabwe draw from her roots if she is to weather the tempests of her history.
The hearings are for the people, by the people and they will be conducted in a way that resonates with the rhythms of our culture. This is a Zimbabwean process, carried out by Zimbabweans, for Zimbabweans.
In matters of such magnitude, haste is the enemy of thoroughness. The delay in commencing the hearings is not a sign of apathy but of careful preparation. The architects of this process understand that rushing would risk undermining the very foundation of its purpose. This is not an academic exercise, where the ticking of clocks dictates action. It is a living, breathing process, one that requires the inclusion of every voice, the acknowledgment of every pain, and thus requires the careful construction of a framework that ensures its credibility.
To those who question the time being taken, the answer is simple: the hearings aim to restore, they aim to provide closure not to reopen old divisions. And this takes time, patience and an unwavering commitment to getting it right.
Perhaps the most insidious critique of the Gukurahundi hearings comes from those who suggest that they are being carried out to curry some favour. Such claims reek of neo-colonial arrogance, implying that Zimbabwe cannot act of her own volition, that she must always be responding to the whims of others. But let it be clear: this process is not a performance for anyone. It is not a response to pressure from foreign capitals or international organisations. It is a sovereign act, born of a deep recognition that the past cannot be buried if the future is to flourish.
To those external voices who seek to dictate the terms of Zimbabwe’s reconciliation, a question must be posed: If you were absent in the suffering, what gives you the right to preside over the healing?
Zimbabwe will listen to her people, not the voices of those who see her only through the lens of their own interests.
The success of the Gukurahundi hearings rests not only on the framework established by the Government and traditional leaders but on the collective will of all Zimbabweans. It requires the nation to come together, not to relive the pain of the past but to find closure and chart a new course. It demands an open heart and an open mind, a willingness to listen to stories that are difficult to hear and to embrace solutions that may challenge our preconceived notions of justice.
This is a journey that requires courage, humility and, above all, unity. To those who seek to undermine this process, let it be known: you are not just attacking an idea; you are attacking the dreams of a nation. And to the people of Zimbabwe, a reminder: this is your process, your moment to reclaim the narrative, and your opportunity to ensure that the shadows of Gukurahundi never darken the future again.
The Gukurahundi hearings are more than just a response to historical grievances. They are a proactive step towards building a Zimbabwe that is united, inclusive and forward-looking. Let us reject the cynics and sceptics, the meddlers and manipulators. Let us move forward as one nation, determined to heal, to grow and to prosper.
The Gukurahundi hearings are a solemn process seeking to build in harmony, not a race to meet artificial deadlines or appease impatient voices. The nation should not be rushed, for this is a journey of healing, not a spectacle. True justice requires careful preparation, a foundation that ensures every voice is heard, every wound acknowledged and every truth uncovered. This is not about ticking boxes or satisfying external expectations; it is about acknowledging the pain of the past and forging a future rooted in understanding and reconciliation. Zimbabwe owes it to her people to take the time needed to get this right.