Let the Uhuru celebrations begin


By Kundai Marunya

The Independence Flame has departed Harare’s Kopje area for a tour of Manicaland Province, where this year’s Independence celebrations are being held this week.

The Independence Flame, which was first lit on April 17 1980 to signify the rebirth of Zimbabwe after colonial subjugation, will make its first stop in Headlands before proceeding on a tour of all districts.

It stands as a symbol of hope in safeguarding the nation’s sovereignty.

The Flame is being escorted by a relay team which comprises the National Museums and Monuments staff and members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police, among other stakeholders.

During the tour, the team will conduct roadshows educating and reminding the masses on the gains of independence.

National Heroes’ Acre resident curator Rumbidzai Bvira, who was part of the relay team, said the torch would be officially lit in Manicaland by Vice President Constantino Chiwenga at Butcher Site, a significant liberation monument where hundreds of natives were executed during the war of liberation.

It will tour all districts of Manicaland before making its  final stop at Dzapasi Assembly Point, a major rallying point after the 1979 ceasefire, a by-product of the Lancaster House Conference.

From thereon, it will be taken to Murambinda for the 44th Independence Anniversary celebrations.


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